
Saturday, April 30, 2011

I Ain't the One

Lynyrd Skynyrd was known as a southern rock band but they were definitely heavily infulenced by the blues (ie Ballad of Curtis Loew). Their music has become an anthem for southern rock through their hit single "Sweet Home Alabama" but as is usually the case, the best music sinks to the bottom. This is one that deserves a good listen,,,and with the original lineup.

1 comment:

  1. JUST IN CASE;....and ya'll myte think i've lost my everluvin mind?...when i say, "I AIN'T THE ONE" is beyond a doubt, the "BEST EVER" song, that RVZ, wrote??...and the whole album, is by far, much better than any, tyll "STREET SURVIVOR"...and then, you gotta ask?..if the plane didn't go down, and you've released your two "BEST ALBUM'S?"...WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO???
