
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jimmy The Kid - Jimbo Mathus

Jimbo Mathus is extremely prolific and his music is very real. It varies from Delta Blues to real country (not like "Sears" country). His new cd, Confederate Buddha will be released Memphis International on May 24. This cd is a mixture of everything that comes out of the swamp. Don't put the cd on with expectations from any of the prior cd's. Every one is different and that is good. It isn't like he's all over the map. It's more like he just loves good music and plays what he likes. Jimbo indicates that the idea behind the title germinated from his interest in regional folklore and artforms. "I got the (Alan) Lomax book [The Land Where the Blues Began] and found myself going where he went and those same places, the same churches are still there and I was finding these weird country people who are backwoods bodhisattvas - oracles, rural sages who are so wise and of the past projecting an image of both peace and rebellion."

It flows beautifully. The first track, Jimmy The Kid, highlighted in the attached video is a good example of this.

The entire cd is filled with great solid writing and nicely articulated riffs.

Track 4, Town With No Shame, and Track 8, Aces and Eights are straight out of the honky tonk and if you grew up in a small town this will make you homesick...unless you like Star Search country.

Track 5, Leash My Pony and Track 10, Kine Joe sound like Jimbos blend of the swamp blues...just love it.

Track 11, Shady Dealing, is a real crap kicker. I think everyone will like it.


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