
Saturday, June 11, 2011

I Got Mine - Jimbo Mathus

LIFE | The Journey of The Buddha
Posted on May 17, 2011

Last year about this time, I got together with the band and we had a talk about our collective futures. We had been engaged over the last five years in gigging around the deep South in the jukes, honky tonks, crawdad shacks and etc. We were making a decent living at it.

But, at this meeting of the Tri-State Coalition, we decided to make a change.

We decided that we believed in our potential to create a sound that a wider audience could dig! At this point, we agreed to re-dedicate ourselves both musically and professionally to our group and make a unique sound we had all heard in our heads but hadn’t played yet. Thus began the journey of the Confederate Buddha.

That decision has led us, gratefully, to Memphis International Records, releasing “Confederate Buddha” on May 24, 2011. It has led us to signing with High Road Touring as our booking agent. It has led us to the launch of this here website and a forthcoming short film to convince the world that we should be heard.

My personal thanks to all who have contributed mightily in all these endeavors and who will continue or begin to believe in our long journey home.

Peace, Love & Katfish


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