
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bad News: The Blue Voodoo

Ted "Teddy J " Tosoff
Vocals/Guitars/Voodoo magic

Old enough to know better.....Older than I’d wish to share, besides family and friends, music is my lifeblood. Playing,recording and writing music is all I've really known and cared for. I guess for me this thing called The Blue Voodoo is a musical soul cleansing and the sum of all we have done. It’s the one thing that pushes me to succeed while keeping the road of life an interesting bit of pavement to ride on.

Rick Dalgarno
Vocals/Guitar/Voodoo magic

Right from my first Beatles record, Sgt.Pepper (the one my dad played over and over) I knew I wanted to be involved in music. I’ve been in many musical projects but none have captured the essence of The Blue Voodoo . For me The Voodoo sound and appearance lets me be me. (If that makes any sense) It was created for fun and still remains that way. No pressure just one giant hoe down. There is a weird magic inside the 3-way circle that can only be described as THE>VOODOO FEELING. Once you see things through blue glasses you'll never be the same.

Gerry Berg
Bass Guitar

This group personifies everything there is about what I love about the blues and music. Having to keep it all in check playing bass is my passion and the guys are world class players.

Kelly Stodola

I've spent the last few years of my music journey as a freelance studio musician enjoying many different musical styles . After joining The Blue Voodoo I was encouraged to exercise all of these styles thus giving me great musical freedom and expression . I can definitely view The Blue Voodoo as a band with no fear for pushing it's musical boundaries . I'm excited to see what musical adventures are in store for us around the next corner.

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