
Monday, August 29, 2011

A Hundred White Lies - Shane Dwight - New recording release review

I have been listening to this cd for the past 4 or so days because I wanted to pin it down and write an appropriate review for it. No I'm not one of those guys who puts on a cd, listens to a track for 10 seconds, listens to the next one,,,reads the promo materials and then writes a review... so sometimes it just isn't that simple. The cd is strong. It's just hard to get your hands around. There is a mixture of sounds and great guitar playing here and I just keep listening to it. It doesn't have the big hook of ZZ Top or the stellar playing of Joe Bonamassa but it is just a great strong recording and I'm just not getting tired of listening to it... plain and simple. Good singing, good guitar, good rhythm, good piano... I can't tell you what it sounds like. All I can tell you is I've probably heard it 20 times and I'm not tired of it yet. Buy a copy and write me and tell me what it is!


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