
Friday, August 19, 2011

Tech Talk - Signature Sound - Kawai/Teisco

This is a very broad subject and hopefully someone along with me will enjoy the discussion but why so many guitars. Why so many amps. What makes the difference. What kind of guitar says the blues.

This is a very difficult subject. My favorite blues players weren't plugged in. They played what ever they could get their hands on. I'm going to explore the different sounds and tones of guitars and why a player may want to play one guitar over another. This list certainly won't be all inclusive, but it will touch on the different variations of guitars used and how much of the sound is the guitar, the player and possibly the amp or processing equipment.

Hound Dog was an original and had a great earthy sound. He played numerous guitars but typically always inexpensive single coil Japanese guitars made of mystery wood and they always had cool tones. I have first a video of Hound playing a great tune and then a video of how these less expensive Japanese import guitars sound played in a controlled environment sound. Many of the great technical tone heads such as Ry Cooder, David Lindley, Jack White and Jimbo Mathus have taken to playing older cheap guitars to get that vintage blues tone. I'll explore some of the specific guitars these guys use as well as the better known Gibson, Fenders and customs as a part of this journey if you all like it.
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