
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Buddy Guy at the Foundry - Phoenix, AZ 9/20/11

Buddy Guy played at the Foundry on First last night. It was my first opportunity to attend this new venue although I have seen Buddy at least 20 times in many locations. Buddy came onto the stage and opened playing with the intensity and wizardry that I haven't seen from him since the 60's. Buddy was in a frenzy. I don't know if you've had the opportunity to see Buddy Guy over the years or recently but he is a must see. In my mind there are 3 people who will not play anywhere close to me without me seeing them. (There are of course a lot of bands that i want to see a lot but 3 people stand alone as performers for me...Buddy Guy, Jeff Beck and Elvin Bishop... all for different reasons.) Buddy Guy began his career as a straight up blues player and then deveeloped a frenzied attack and then backed off over the years, not that he didn't have the skills, but that he found a different groove. Well, I saw him about a year ago in town in a much more expensive venue and a year earlier in the same location and his shows were almost identical. they were really good... but last nights show was magical. Over the past few years he has developed a real interaction with the audience and he is not just playing the tunes but he is the blues. In my mind certainly the greatest living blues performer. His voice, playing and delivery are all captivating and spellbinding. Now Buddy has certain things that he does in every show, the "I can play like every guitar hero you ever had bit" and the "I walk through the audience playing thing"...but the real Buddy is up in front just blowing you right out the door. I feel fortunate to have had another chance to see Buddy last night and hope he continues with all of the enthusiasm of a teenager like he did last night! (Keep watching for more on the Foundry on's a great place to see a show).

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