
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Remembering 911- BLEECKER STREET- Correspondent Mike Packer

Good night New York, I'll be seeing you in my dreams
When I wake up tomorrow, I'll be walking your streets again
Fifth avenue, Broadway, down to the Battery.
New York, New York, you've been so good to me.
You gave me Derek Jeter, the Yankees, year after year
but when your Towers went down I've been sensing a bit of fear.
Hey New York, this morning I saw your gal.
I passed her in the harbor as your Staten Island Ferry went by.
She seemed tired and poor, I think there was a tear in her eye.
New York, New York I got the blues
But watch out New York, I'm coming through
So good morning New York lets have a better day.
I'll do my best by going my own way
uptown, downtown, over to Herald Square.
New York, New York, your home sweet home to me.
I love your spirit, your people, your resiliency
and tonight I'll be toasting you down on Bleecker street

The blues is not a beat, a rhythm, a note or a chord. It is a state of mind. The human condition. It is a way of life.


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