
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Artist Update: Megan Heavlin Ochoa

A few months back I provided a few videos of Megan's work to great reception. I think it is about time for an update! Megan has a flurry of activity right now. She recently won a contest called the Hype Hustle and was able to record her first music video (should be done within the week), and some recording time.

Check out a video of her song 'No Good' live at Resonate Studios in Burbank:

Megan also has a few gigs lined up:

November 11, 8:30pm opening for the Dance Hall Pimps at On the Rox in West Hollywood, CA
November 29th, 10pm playing the Twisted and Live Event, at Here Lounge in West Hollywood, CA
Check back for more updates on Megan!
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