
Thursday, October 20, 2011

If I Had Posession Over Judgement Day - Brett Wellman

From the flowing fields of cotton in the Mississippi Delta, to the gritty allyways of Chicago, the Blues is more than music. It's a journey. A fire that starts in your belly and makes its way through every fiber of your person. A feeling that burns so bright, that you had better put a guitar and mike in front of it, or it could consume your very soul. The blues is a way of life. From the day he first heard the voice of Muddy Waters wailing through the crackling of an old 78, he knew he had found something... or rather, something had found me. And so, at the age of 15, his journey into the Blues had begun.

In 2006, Brett was a part of an incredible project funded by Public Radio International (PRI). He composed and recorded the soundtrack for a one hour radio documentary on the life and times of Zora Neale Hurston. The show aired countless times in February and March of 2007, and an educational CD was compiled for high school age children around the world. Over 25 million copies were distributed!

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