
Friday, November 18, 2011

Bman's Exclusive Interview with Shari Puorto

Bman: Hi Shari. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me. Tell me about Shari, the person. Your Bio indicates that you are "currently residing" in Southern California but didn't you grow up on the east coast?

Shari: I did grow up on the East Coast! If you asked me where I was from, I'd probably say, Connecticut. Even though I was born in So. Cal. I feel I'm "from" Connecticut because that's where I grew up. I have strong ties there. I still have family and my bestest friends in the world in Connecticut! Not to mention the best pizza in the world, Pepe's. Oh man, my mouth is watering! I always feel at "home" when I go back to CT. Interestingly enough, I'm currently writing a song with Barry Goldberg called, "Old Silo Road". That's the road I grew up on! I'm so psyched.

Bman: I'm guessing that a move back east isn't in your future. I grew up in the east as well.You look really comfortable in your west coast skin.

Shari: Well, never say never right?.....but I don't plan on it anytime soon....I love California. You can't beat the weather and living by the beach. It's just gorgeous!

Bman: Exactly! You put on a pretty hot show which is likely why you've shared the stage with the likes of Johnny Winter, Dickey Betts, Robben Ford, Tower of Power, Walter Trout, Coco Montoya, Larry Carlton... a virtual who's who of the blues music business. Now you're working with Barry Goldberg. Now I know that a lot of people don't really know Barry by name but he's played with Muddy Waters, Otis Rush, Howlin Wolf, Bob Dylan and Mike Bloomfield. I even have an old vinyl recording of him with Duane Allman!

Shari: Wow, I'd love to hear that album! What a treasure.

Bman: Ask Barry about the recording. It was primarily he and Mike Bloomfield but Duane was featured as well. So how did you hook up with Barry?

Funny you ask about how I met Barry. I met Barry through Alastair Greene, who you know. He coordinated a jam and Barry and I hit it off ever since. We've been writing songs and on occasion perform live together. It's been about 3 years now! Man, how time flies. Barry and I had a show last night ironically enough. Too much fun!

Bman: Nice! Do you write most of your own music or is it mostly collaborative?

Shari: Mostly collaborative. It can work so many different ways. Sometimes I write the lyrics based on something happening in my life (or happened) with an idea of the melody or chorus. Then I'll sit down with someone and the magic begins! Or, the other person might have an idea and they start playing it. I'll start to sing lyrics here and there based on how the music is making me feel and we go from there. Sometimes Barry and I have written amazing songs in 2 hours (well, I think they are amazing! One I'm thinking of is called, "Could it be Me?")

Bman: And I know that you recently released a new album called "Real". How is that going?

Shari: I'm so excited about this album. Also scared a little. My fear is that it isn't better than the last one. You know we always want to top ourselves, right? At least I do. I've received great feedback which settles me a bit. And I am very happy with how it came out.

Bman: No, You're right. We all think tomorrow's results should be better than today. Can you tell us a little about it?

Shari: Would love to. I called the CD 'Real' because that's how I feel the music and performances are on the CD (and should always be), "Real". You know how the record industry has been going which is more "pop" culture ...with a lot of synthesized sounds, bells and whistles not only in the "live" performances but on the recordings too. I miss Real, Raw, it-is-what-it-is performances from the heart and soul. Just strip all that crap down and let's go for it! From the singing to the musicians....that's what we do. Each and every fiber of my songs (whether it's a recording or a live performance) gets a piece of me and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Bman: I know exactly what you're saying. I'm glad to know that the artists aren't all buying into the machine where it all has to sound homogenized.

Shari: Maybe you should come out to my CD Release party on 12/3?! It's going to be a blow out event. I can't wait. The show will be at the new Harvelle's in Long Beach, CA at 6pm. More details can be found at my website, Why not come out!? In case anyone is interested, being the "starving" musician I am, I have a fundraising campaign online with a company called Kickstarter. If you went to and typed my name (Shari Puorto) in the search box you can watch my video and read all about what I'm doing. I'm raising money to fund a long held dream of mine. Which is filming a High Def DVD to be released next year. The people near and far can watch and hear us. I am very excited about this. So everyone who comes to the CD release party on December 3rd will be a part of the DVD! How fun is that?

Bman: Sounds like a blast! Do you have a supporting tour set up for this new cd. If so what is the schedule?

Shari: I don't have a scheduled "tour" per-say at the moment, but we perform a lot which certainly is helpful. We'll be heading up North at the first of the year, with other travels in the works and, festivals hitting around festival season. Those are always fun times!

Myspace music player

Bman: It gets harder for some of the more talented but less "Pop" band to afford touring except in a festival setting so I'm glad that that venue is still available.
Do you have anything else that you would like to share with your fans?

Shari: Yes! I can't thank my supporters enough. They know who they are and they mean so much to me. If you haven't seen or heard my music, please take a moment, tune in and take a listen. There are several sites that carry my 3 albums. iTunes, CD Baby, and my website (, etc. If you want to feel something deep in your soul and like to be "moved" by music, I think you might like what we are doing. But to really get the idea, you have to come to a show! Or help with the DVD campaign so you can get a copy. Again, the campaign can be found at - search for Shari Puorto.

Shari: Thanks Bman. I truly appreciate your time and interest in talking with me. I hope to see you soon! Perhaps on December 3rd!! =) Music and what's 'real' xo Shari
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