
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Clothesline Revival - Orange Clown Train (featuring Charlie Musselwhite)

Conrad Praetzel and....

GUEST MUSICIANS including Robert Powell, Charlie Musselwhite, Chris Rovetti, Kimi "Bass" Sato, Brantley Kearns, Mark Fuller, Bruce "Creeper" Kurnow, Scoop McGuire and John Patrick Murphy III.

"GUEST" VOCALISTS including Leadbelly, Tom Armstrong, E. M. Martin and Pearline Johns, Florence Stamp, Sukhawat Ali Khan, Ora Dell Graham, Mrs Vernon Allen, Lum Wilson "Bill" Jackson, Mrs Myra Pipkin, Almeda Riddle, Charles Haffer Jr, Wendy Allen, Lillie Knox, Fred Fox Lee, Pearl Brewer, Neil Morris, Doug Wallin, Aric Leavitt and an Unidentified Train Caller.
Music and arrangement by Clothesline Revival and Charlie Musselwhite. "Orange Clown Train" released on Clothesline Revival's cd "They Came From Somewhere" (Paleo Music 2010). Visuals from Kit Davidson's film "Third Avenue El" (1950), an "impressionistic picture of the Third Avenue Elevated Railway in Manhattan, New York City, before it was demolished". Interesting soundtrack to great imagery.
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