
Saturday, November 12, 2011

News from Stephanie Trick

Newsletter headerTraverse City Concert
I had the opportunity to play a concert with Mr. B. (Mark Braun, the fantastic blues and boogie pianist from Ann Arbor, Michigan) in beautiful Traverse City. We had a blast playing duets with each other, and the attendees were so lovely and enthusiastic. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures or videos from this concert, but you'll have to take my word for it that there was a lot of energy in that auditorium! I also had some free time to enjoy the changing fall colors on the peninsula, as well as some delicious chocolate-covered dried cherries from the "cherry capital of the world!"
Piano Summit in Cincinnati
Another highlight of my travels was Ricky Nye's Blues and Boogie Piano Summit, which took place last weekend at the historic Southgate House in Newport, Kentucky.  Ricky is an excellent organizer and host, and the musicians had the chance to play together in many different situations.  So by the time the concert rolled around on Saturday night, we were all very excited to get to present the show.
Blues and Boogie Summit musicians
With pianists Jörg Hegemann, Rob Rio, Chase Garrett, Ricky Nye, and Fabrice Eulry in Newport, Kentucky, at Ricky Nye's 13th Annual Blues and Boogie Piano Summit (Photo credit: Andrew Elias)

It was an honor for me to share the bill with Ricky, who does so much for the music scene in Cincinnati; Jörg Hegemann, one of the leading disciples of Albert Ammons from Dortmund, Germany; and Rob Rio, a fine blues and boogie pianist from Los Angeles.  I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunities to play with the other musicians: Jörg and I did a duet on an Ammons boogie, and then I performed several selections, including this one, with Chris Douglas (bass) and Brian Aylor (drums).  It was a total blast, and I hope that those of you who are in the area next year during Ricky's event make a point to go.  I'm sure you'll have a great time!
Something More Available on CD Baby
I'm happy to announce that the first shipment of my new CD, Something More, has already sold out on CD Baby!  More are on the way.  So if you don't already have your copy, you can go and place your order.  It will be shipped to you next Wednesday, by which time it should be back in their inventory.  This is my first album with a trio.  I think you'll like it!  Here's what some fellow musicians who have listened to it have said:
  • Your technique and clarity of approach are amazing.  "These Foolish Things" is especially beautiful.
  • "I'm Gonna Sit..." is great.  Your playing there often evokes Ralph Sutton.  Great that you added "Look Out Lion" to your repertoire.  It's a fantastic piece.  Very nice articulation and accentuation!  Your stride showpieces ("Minor Drag," "Valentine Stomp") are very impressive, as usual!!  Beautifully quiet rendition of "These Foolish Things."  The coda, especially, is wonderful!  Your rendition of "Passionette" is beautiful, especially the touch, with a lot of swing.
  • "Black Beauty" - absolutely sublime!  Your treatment of "These Foolish Things" is so poignant.  "Tango Seville," "Jubilee Stomp," "The Minor Drag" - killah!  These tunes mean so much to so many people, and your performances continue to bring fresh relevance to them!
On the Road Again
After this weekend's concert in the Ozarks, I'll be in California for a month.  If you are near where I'm playing, I hope you'll stop by at a concert and say hello!  More information about these events may be found on my website.

Thanks for supporting live music!

Best wishes,

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