
Monday, November 7, 2011

Rooftop Recordings - David Philips

David’s new record (Rooftop Recordings) made it to the LUISTERPAAL (listening pole) of RADIO 6 in Holland.

The disc also entered the EURO AMERICANA CHART for October. The Euro Americana Chart is compiled by DJs, journalists, retailers, promotors and other people who are interested in Americana music from all over Europe. Every month they send in their favouriteCD top 6. These are the ingredients for the chart, published each month on this site and in different european fanzines.

At David’s site you will find a music player with all 12 tracks of the new record.

Esa Kuloniemi (Finland): Nice, intimate and soothing acoustic blues with enough variety to keep up the listening activity. David's vocal abilities are in balance with his excellent guitar skills.

Arjen Dekker / Stads RTV Breda; Great album en last wednesday in my show.

Mike Flynn / The Folk Sampler (USA). It is an interesting CD. Thanks. (Holland): Het voelt bijna alsof je naast Philips op het terras zit.

BluesMagazine (Holland): Kaal. Kippevel. Kwetsbaar. En jankend mooi.

Soundslike (Belgium): Ook al lijkt er een overaanbod aan singer/songwriters, albums al dit blijven schaars goed.

Ruud Heijjer / Kippevel (Holland): teksten die passen binnen countryblues en folk, maar tegelijk persoonlijk zijn

BluesInThe Northwest (UK): It could just be that British ex-pat David Philips has recorded one of this year’s best albums

Blues Again (France): Ce disque appartient à la catégorie des plaisirs simples qui font beaucoup de bien.

You can read the complete reviews at the Black and Tan site

The quickest and probably cheapest way (12,99 EUR shipping included) to get your copy of the record is direct from the source in our own web store. In the store you will also find David’s previous album (Heal Yourself Alone). Here is the direct link to the web store

David will come to tour Holland and Belgium in the first half of December. Feel free to send us all you venue suggestions and of course David can easily travel to the neighbour countries as well. David is also available for all kind of media activities (like interviews and live-on-air performances etc)

Here you can find music & information and also interact / support David.

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