
Monday, November 7, 2011

Talk To Your Daughter - The Hot Rod Band w/ Mikhail Sokolov

Jam Session in Rithm'n'Blues Club in Moscow, 11 March 2010
Petrovich - Vocals, Harmonica
Slava Tikhonov - Harmonica
Pavel Semiletkov - Guitar
Andrey Barbashov - Keyboards
Sergey Spitsin - Bass
Andrey Pankratov - Drums
The title of "Legend of the Russian Rock" stuck to me a long time.
Already in the early '80s Mikhail Sokolov, the Bish-I, were
Legend of the scene. And once did it happen?

We start from a distance. I was born in Moscow in 1953
(Year of death of the Tyrant) Taganka, in a family of servicemen. When I was six years old his parents divorced, leaving an indelible mark on life. My mother was alone with two children, struggled to put all the best in their children. Since the age of six I was in a music school named "Ipolitova - Ivanov" on the violin. Let's face it, the friendship with the tool did not take place, and studied for two years with a plea was moved to the piano, but with this tool, contact has not taken place.

"What music?" - When all the boys after school to their necks in snowdrifts or at the rink. So temporarily stopped music lessons, but not for long. In 1963, Mom bought especially for my older sister's tape-prefix "Homo" and the music sounded in the house "the Beatles", Chuck Berry, "Rolling Stones". "I want to be" Ringo Starr "," - said I took my mother's knitting needles, put a pillow on the couch, turned on the Beatles and began to knock the dust. This went on for quite a while, until I passed the entrance exam, was not in that - the same music school, but the class of percussion teacher Sergei Hodneva. I had to get acquainted with the new notes, engage in staging, to play "Turkish Rondo" on a xylophone, but the most important teacher remained a tape recorder. Friendship with the shock lasted for a long time for the whole quarter of a century ...

It is difficult to accurately recall all the dates, and, still more than thirty five years, or rather thirty-seven, but one thing that I was very lucky. I was lucky in many ways. First time when I was born, it was time for change. Away with the cult of Stalin and Khrushchev's thaw came. In Moscow, there were the first bit of the group to which the performance very much like to get, or at least stand by the window to listen.

I will never forget how I and my school friend Valera Lichonin watched my sister. In fact, I vaguely heard that she was going to go to the "seiche" which will play a group of "heirs." It was on Elektrozavodskaya in Honey Lane. We made ​​our way over there, trying to make us not notice it. And here we are on the spot.

About the school or college hefty crowd of young people, some elongated hair, jeans, glasses, a la John Lennon. "There's something I first saw a long-haired guy, whose name was Yura, nicknamed" The Sun "(blond) - it was a leader Moscow hippies. To them, I Lihon and in the future and joined. amazing sight, all on edge, and no group!
Suddenly a car pulled up, out of which were removed some boxes, sailed over the heads of the big drum silvery-orange color. These were the "heirs", long-haired guys proud 16-17 years.

We are of course with boyfriend are curious, but let us inside no one is going. But even by the window, okay listen, we are still small, although bangs combed over his eyes already. We are waiting for some time ... young people begin to go back. We hear the conversation: "seiche will not! Director, seeing the crowd with long hair, forbade speech. '" This is a widespread situation that I faced as a member of the Moscow group.

And what is the long hair? This is when the hair is just a little cover up your ears and bangs to her eyebrows. Yes Jura "Sun" hair that night were a little longer than the chin, it is now called the "square". He seemed terribly hairy. After several years in the "Successful purchase" my hair will be far below the shoulders.

"Why?" - You ask - "talk all the time talking about hair." Because time was so st. Long hair was a business card and a symbol of all that is new, familiar as it is now fashionable to speak of advancement of young people, a sign of disobedience to parents and authorities, the symbol of freedom.
In Khrushchev's time, began to filter news from the west - BIT music, long hair, all kinds of clothes that are either imported from abroad, friends, or you could buy a Moscow fartsy (speculators).
The theory is firmly hippies began to enter into the minds of the youth of the sixties. It was a wonderful time. We began to realize that we live in a beautiful country, with a crappy system and the best thing we could do to their appearance, their behavior and the music we were trying to play (albeit very badly at first) to blow up this socialist system with its dogmas and bans on all non Soviet.

We lived fine: ran on concerts BIT Group, went on nature hippovat, read forbidden books, rehearsing some nemyslemmye work, listening to music and a lot of music and all liked it.
But the most important thing is that then was a very trendy BLUES!
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