
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sleepy Time Time - Pressed Rat and Warthog

Kofi Baker, following in the family tradition, displays a mastery of technique and natural talent that rivals that of his father, Ginger Baker.

After seeing the Cream reunion in 2005, Kofi was inspired to form his own Cream tribute band - he wanted to continue where Cream, and his father, had left off.

Kofi’s band Pressed Rat & Warthog is the ultimate Cream tribute: combining Cream's innovative and experimental style with virtuoso talent. The dynamic three-piece - Kofi Baker, Fran Banish, and Ric Fierabracci - effectively capture Cream's mood and energy, adding their own distinctive styles. Front man Fran sings and solos with virtuoso ease; Ric lays down strong and innovative bass-lines complimenting Kofi's complex polyrhythms, learned from his father. Pressed Rat & Warthog includes songs from Blind Faith and Jimi Hendrix - an original Cream tribute band that truly rocks!
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