
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bman's Exclusive with Alive Naturalsound Founder, Patrick Boissel

Bman: Hi Patrick. Thanks for taking time out from your busy schedule to talk with me. It's great to have the opportunity to talk with someone who has your reputation in the Indie music scene!

Patrick:Thanks for the opportunity, I'm sure you're busy yourself.

Bman: I am but no one seems to think so! I just had the opportunity to review Alive's new release, "Where's Parker Griggs?". I really appreciate what you're doing. How do you typically find the artists for your label?

Patrick:We usually get a fair amount of demos every week and I try to listen to everything. That's how I signed The Black Keys, Buffalo Killers, Henry's Funeral Shoe, and Black Diamond Heavies. Other times the bands are directed to us by friends or artists that are, or used to be, on the label.

Bman: I have been a long time vinyl collector and really have an appreciation for the difference in sound quality from vinyl to digital. What percentage of your sales is on vinyl?

Patrick:Vinyl sales seem to be proportional to the success of the release. I say "seem" because there's no rule that you can follow. Vinyl can represent up to half the sales of a new artist, but the figure often changes, depending on the release. The vinyl sales decrease drastically if the release does well, as a larger, younger audience tends to get the CD or the download instead of the vinyl.

Bman: That's a shame because they don't know what they're missing. It's really cool that you still put so much thought into the covers and go with the colored vinyl and everything. I mean I think that the industry loses a lot of the tactile association with the listener without the LP. I remember looking for years for just the right covers and colored vinyl years back. I mean it had to be the right cover and the right vinyl. It looks cool...interesting and also sounds much better than digital!

Patrick:I grew up listening to LPs, it's a format I am fond of. I do believe it sounds better, and warmer. Nothing much has changed for us, really, we have done vinyl for a long time, we're not planning on stopping anytime soon.

Bman: I notice a substantial difference in my listening habits when listening to an lp versus a cd versus digital download. With an lp I have a tendency to sit back and study the details of the cover and look at all the artists etc. With a cd I occasionally look at the cover to reference a particular thing that I notice. With a digital download I rarely ever look at the product! I bet you already new that! I suspect that the basic listener has never even heard an analog recording and has no idea what they are missing. I really appreciate what you're doing.

Patrick: I agree, there's an emotional connection with analog that doesn't exist with the digital. In fact most rock albums are recorded partially analog these days. It seems that vinyl has become a hip format, vinyl-only stores are now popping up, even big boxes such as Urban Outfitters and Best Buy carry LPs these days.

Bman: I know that i pods are remarkably convenient. You've been associate with some pretty big artists but always with an edge. I noted that you did some Sun Ra releases. I am scheduled to interview a famous 60's record cover/poster artist in about a week. This guys did some really outrageous stuff including a couple of the old Sun Ra records as well as the Godz and the Fugs. I can't wait personally! I think that the record cover is a big part of the puzzle.

Patrick: Not too long ago album covers were more than a clever pun or a mere marketing tool, they were artistic statements in their own right, it's not the case anymore. The Sun Ra releases that you're talking about were out on John Sinclair's label. Working with John was a great experience, I can honestly say that he turned me on to avant-jazz, a world beyond pop and swing that I knew nothing about.

Bman: I'm anxious for this artist interview. The covers that he did are outrageous and his artwork has grown.
I remember when you came out with the Black Keys release. I was floored. That record was /is great! What an ear to pick up on that! I remember telling a number of people about it and they said ,... ah yeah. Now they are on every tv commercial and everything!

Patrick: They have achieved success on their own terms. They deserve every bit of it. Plus someone needs to save rock'n'roll from time to time!

Bman: I like that! Save Rock and Roll!!! I keep hearing keeping the blues alive and I think how ridiculous...but you actually have a valid point there. In listening to the "Where's Parker Griggs?" compilation and I particularly noticed Radio Moscow and White Noise Sound. Do you have anything planned for these bands soon?

White Noise Sound are a Welch psychedelic band, the song on the comp comes from their debut album which we released last year. It was done with the collaboration of Cian from Super Furry Animals. I'd love to do another album with them, but there's nothing planned for now. I have already released three Radio Moscow albums. We're soon releasing Parker's first album, recorded back when he was 17 and previously unheard by most people. It's called "3 & 3 Quarters" and it's way more sixties garage than his current releases.

Bman: That sounds very cool. I'll be checking into that...and I am definitely looking for a copy of the WNS cd. So what's next for Alive Records and Patrick Boissel?

Partick: I'm excited about the Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires debut album that we're releasing this Spring.

Bman: I'll look forward to getting an advance copy for review. I really appreciate your time. Is there anything else that you'd like to share with your listeners?

Patrick: Have you seen Parker Griggs lately? Thank you!

Bman: Thanks again Patrick for your time and I'll look forward to talking with you soon.

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