
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hipshakin' Mama - ElectroMen

ElectroMen...Psychedelic Hillbilly Roots for Your Consumption...!!!"

The bizarre lovechild of Captain Kennie Fuller and Hank Deberitz, ElectroMen are without question Roots Rockin Racketeers of the Severe Kind.
Complemented by the mighty rumble of GBN Bushby (upright bass) and Yugon Chobanoff (The Russian of Percussion), Hank and the Captain will take you on a nervewrackingly exhilarating journey through their collectively twisted minds, the fire in their belly provided by the Banshee like wails of Benji Franz’ highly out there lap steel guitar.

Take the trip from the Noir Jangles of Spacy Surf & Blues On the Edge to Barbed Wire Guitar Pop & Fried Out Rockabilly. The Captain and Hank have both spent a number of years building an impressive catalogue of original tunes.
The cataclysmic events that followed the getting together of these highly Electrified Units has been like adding Nitro to the Glycerine and shaking it a lot..the Vigorous Shaking provided by Franz, Bushby and Chobanoff.

Don’t miss the Riotous Rollercoasterride of Tales From The Edge and all stops between..
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