
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Stephanie Trick Update

Jazz Party in Florida
I just returned from a fantastic weekend at the Fourth Annual Arbors Records Invitational Jazz Party in Clearwater Beach, Florida. Concert photoI was honored to be able to perform on the same stage with six incredible jazz pianists: Dick Hyman, Louis Mazetier, Rossano Sportiello, Paolo Alderighi, John Sheridan, and Ehud Asherie. Also present at the festival were about 30 other musicians, all legends of the mainstream or classic jazz fields. Having the opportunity to play with them in a couple of group sets was truly special. Arbors Records really knows how to put on a great party for both the musicians and the audience! I hope you get the opportunity to attend one of these parties, if you haven't already. There was video taken at the event, but it hasn't surfaced yet on YouTube. When it does, I'll let you know!
Upcoming Concerts

This month I will be giving several concerts in the St. Louis area with Paolo Alderighi, a terrific jazz pianist from Milan, Italy. Paolo has toured all across Europe, Asia, the United States, and Australia, and has won 1st and 2nd prizes in categories of Musica Jazz magazine's Top Jazz 2007 referendum. There will be several opportunities to see us perform together. This Friday (January 20) we will be playing at the Ethical Society of St. Louis in an auditorium with a beautiful grand piano and great acoustics. The following day, we are giving a benefit concert at Principia School. In addition, we will also be doing a duo concert on Thursday, January 26, at Robbie's House of Jazz, a jazz club in Webster Groves, Missouri. If you're in town and can come, we'd love to see you at any (or all) of these events!

In early February, I'm looking forward to playing at the Central Illinois Jazz Festival in Decatur. I will be doing some solo piano sets, as well as playing with a band and with my trio (including Danny Coots and Phil Flanigan). I've heard great things about this festival and am grateful that I will get to experience it firsthand.

Nouveau Stride Release
The anticipated first track from Nouveau Stride is now available for download! Lorraine Feather and I have been collaborating for over a year on this project, which features her original lyrics to the instrumental songs of great pianists and composers of classic jazz. We will be releasing a complete album of this material later this year. However, we don't want to make you wait until then to hear some results of our efforts. We will be releasing songs serially, with one a month coming out until the complete CD is available and our live show starts touring in the fall. The first song is based on James P. Johnson's "Caprice Rag," and is entitled "Pour on the Heat." It's now on many download sites, including iTunes and Amazon MP3, and also here. We're also posting occasional clips from our rehearsals and other fun stuff on our YouTube channel. For more information on Nouveau Stride, please see
Write on our Facebook Wall or post your Photos of great blues events! Here

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