
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tin Pan Alley - Bleu Rascals with Michael Bourne

Out of nowhere emerged Paul Marney Leobrera, at age 16 stepping onstage in early September 2010 for a single-song courtesy jam at Skarlet’s Jazz Kitchen, home base for Manila’s pre-eminent jazz sessionists. Jaws dropped over his musical maturity as a blues musician, and he was immediately asked to stay onstage for the rest of the night. And suddenly he began receiving invitations to “sit in” all over town.
Within months, Paul put together his own band, the Bleu Rascals, with friends Spencer Rymonte on bass and Darwin Quinto on drums, both 18. All three are intensely devoted to the blues, ranging from the traditional Chicago style and on to Stevie Ray Vaughn and John Mayer. They quickly established themselves as the tightest and most convincing blues band in Manila, even at their young age.
The band now is the busiest blues band in the Philippines, performing as many as four gigs in a single week. In early June 2011, they were selected as backup band for visiting American blues professional Michael Bourne. In four gigs over three days, including an online radio-TV broadcast, Michael and the Bleu Rascals gave some of the strongest blues performances seen in Manila night spots over the past 25 years.
The band is now receiving invitations to perform at major music festivals in Manila, and it has even been approached about performances outside of the country.
Yes, the future of the blues in the Philippines is indeed in good hands. And, with luck and lots of work, perhaps they will bring along with them a new generation of blues fans throughout the country.

1 comment:

  1. These guys are great! Had to give them their own show.
