
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Easy Rider - Jimmy Watts and The Watts Brothers Band

JW Watts: JW found his voice listening to old cassettes and 8-tracks sent overseas where he grew up in Saudi Arabia, listening til they wore thin. Learning the inflection and soul of the masters of country music, when it was still from the heart. When he found his way back stateside, his art diversified, from sculpting Marti Gras floats, exquisite paintings, and film work in major motion pictures (yes, that's him in There will be Blood). Voice of an angel, heart of a traveler, soul of a Texan.

Jimmy “Rooster” Watts: The second and better looking half of the Watts brothers team, Jimmy lays down blazing lead guitar and inspired vocals. Rooster's path took him a different route than his brothers, and lead him through the heart of the blues, from New York down to Texas. He is the premier songwriter of the group, providing the road map for the journey.

Wendel Broussard: Masterful mandolin from a master blacksmith. Wendel is known through out the country for his iron work, and now adds his well honed skill with the strings to the WBB. From his start shoeing at horse tracks to his world class repoussé skills, Wendel has driven the back roads of Louisiana, California, the Appalachian mountains and Texas on his way to Smithville. His style is a combination of all of the above, and adds a decided touch of class to the whole outfit.

Dave Gould: Mountain of Music; Mighty rolling river of rhythm; Whether it's rendering care to those who cannot provide it for themselves or making music, don't get between him and his mission. Give him room when he's dancin' and duck when he plays the base fiddle behind his back. Dave's the anchor of the band, the brains of the outfit, a proud son of Texas.

Jill Bates: The newest addition to the WBB came to the music early in life - performing with her mother, grandfather and uncle since the ripe old age of 3. Throughout the years she has followed many paths but always stayed firmly grounded in her music; playing and singing her way from Ohio all the way to Texas. Her mellow folk and rythm guitar and pure voice have added a subtle and sweet new dimension to the classic WBB sound.

Zac Riefel: Was born in Washington, and was raised in Michigan. His playing style is as eccentric as his personality. Zac is a self taught drummer and guitar player. He was playing drums for 5 years before moving down to Texas, where he have been living for 3 years. Zac's blues type style mixed with a little bit of rock and roll along with a booming bass drum, and a tight snare brings a unique sound to the Watts Brothers Band.
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