
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Eddie Cusic - At His House - Leland - Mississippi

Eddie Cusic was born in 1926 in Leland, Mississippi. He grew up farming with his family and was first inspired to play the blues from hearing men play at suppers and other get-togethers in his community. Like many Delta musicians of his generation, his first attempts to play were done on a 'diddly-bow', a one string instrument consisting of a piece of bailing wire attached to a wall and played with a knife or bottle neck. He eventually moved up to a Sears Roebuck guitar and began playing with other local musicians. However, despite regular gigs throughout the 1950's and 60's, Cusic was still struggling to provide for his family. It was during this time period that took a job at a local quarry and for the most part stopped performing.

When Cusic returned to active performing in the 1980's, he came back to the music as a solo acoustic performer. He has been a mainstay at the Mississippi Delta Blues and Heritage Festival in Greenville for many years and more recently has been a featured performer at the Sunflower River Blues Festival, the Smithsonian Festival of American Folklife and the Chicago Blues Festival.
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