
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I AM A STREAKER - Arelean Brown

Arlean Brown (b June 10, 1924)
Comments by Bob Koester, owner of Delmark Records. "In the early seventies there was a bunch of us that used to go out to the clubs. Sometimes we'd get pretty drunk. Bob as he drank got more and more wild and louder and more risque and more verbose. He was fun. The craziest thing we did was in 1978. There was this club called Else Where on Clark St. (in Chicago). It was the second club owned by Bill Gilmore who owns Blues and Blues Etc. There was this female vocalist Arlene Brown playing at this club. She had a local single called I'm a Streaker. It was a smaller club so they couldn't afford to hire her whole revue which in bigger clubs she'd have male streakers. Bob and I decided to streak her show. We figured we liked her record we liked her and she should be able to have the whole effect of her show. She started into this song and Bob and I went into the men's room and corralled this Japanese blues fan to watch our clothes. We took off our clothes and danced from the men's room around into the other room up to the front of the bandstand and back through the room and then out. Amy van Singel took a picture of it and published it in Living Blues. People in the audience didn't know what was going on, but we talked to Arlene afterwards and she thought it was neat. We did it out of tribute and respect to her."
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