
Monday, February 27, 2012

I55 Artist : Fred Sanders New Release: Long Time Comin' - Review

I just received the new I55 Records release, Long Time Comin' by Fred Sanders. The release is made up of 12, 10 of which were composed by Sanders and the band. The first track out of the chute sets the standard for the entire release with "I Got A Feeling", a Texas/Gatemouth style swing blues. Daddy Cain is an off rhythm style track with a cool groove, breaking to a full swing. Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven, a track most often associated with Albert King but written by Don Nix of Goin' Down fame. Sanders feels Albert in his playing but keeps it as his own. House Is Not A Home gets the soul juices with the horns and all. Very effective breaker. Light Bulb is a cool uptempo blues giving Sanders the chance to stretch a little on guitar. He does have cool style. Hey Baby gets back to that Texas swing groove and Saunders settles into it really well again with tasty guitar soloing throughout. How I Feel has the rhythm tempo of "Let Me Love You" and is a good avenue for Saunders to show his own flair on guitar. Hello Baby finally gets down to T Bone walker dirty blues style. Saunders digs down and digs out some sweetness in this solid track. My favorite on the release. This is a very solid release and I think that most of you will enjoy it.
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