
Monday, February 20, 2012

I55 Productions Artist: Billy Lavender New Release - Memphis Livin - Review

I just received the new release, Memphis Livin, by Billy Lavender. It's a real strong release overall. It has a rock blues flavor overall but great guitar blues riffs and harmonica work throughout. It opens with Singin The Blues, a blues rock tune with some pretty tasty slide work by Brad Webb. Another track, Let's Party is an uptempo blues track with strong vocals by Reba Russell (who sounds quite a bit like Bonnie Raitt in quality. She is again backed by great guitar and harp work. Just Chillin is a real funky track with real effective key backing by Russell Wheeler. The track gives the band a chance to stretch out a bit on their own. Cool track. Each artist gets a chance to step up. Cold As Ice is the down and dirty "T Bone Walker" type song and my favorite on the release. Vince Johnson harp does his best work on the release and Billy steps up a little on guitar and also plays some tasty soloing. Get Along has a country honky tonk or Jerry Lee Lewis type flare. It's a real strong track. Blue is more of an ethereal song which puts the sounds of CSN on track with Brad Webb showing his chops on sitar which is actually quite effective. Shake It is right out of the can Chicago Blues. It comes off blasting with harp and never turns back. Billy steps up here with some great guitar riffs as well. Bad Boy is a strong blues rock track with solid guitar work and of course the band always sounds tight. 3AM is another track where the band gets to stretch a bit and Billy takes full advantage of the opportunity with his guitar and Vince Johnson's vocals and harp work set the groove. Delta Time wraps up the release with an Albert King like tune really getting down in the "Bad Side" groove. This is a very cool tune with plenty of guitar to end the release and leaves you wanting more. If you get the chance, check this release out!

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