
Friday, February 24, 2012

WHITE BUFFALO - Jimbo Mathus - Kickstarter Project

About this project

From the Desk of...Captain Catfish


An exciting opportunity has been presented to us, and we need y'all to get on board:

~ shout and holler praise ~

First, I want to thank you for your support and encouragement over the years, specifically where this group of musicians is concerned. This band—Justin Showah, Matt Pierce, Eric Carlton, Alex Holeman and now Ryan Rogers—has sacrificed tremendously and given time and talents to promote this music that we call CATFISH MUSIC. We’ve worked hard and have honed our sound to become an outfit that I consider to be world-class, deserving of a wider audience.

And now, we have a shot at the title, so to speak, and we need your help.

~ raise the white buffalo ~

Our last CD, CONFEDERATE BUDDHA, garnered critical praise as well as some great attention on the national stage and, in doing so, caught the ear of a fantastic producer named Eric Ambel (, regarded as one of the best producers in the music industry. Eric came to us to express his interest in producing our next album. I really haven’t seen an opportunity like this one since the old Squirrel Nut Zipper days, and I firmly believe that—with this new music—the band and I can take the world by storm in the same way. As such, the Tri-State Coalition will head into the studio in the coming days--with Eric and his engineer from NYC--to record in Mississippi. With 20+ songs written and demo-ed, we are set to deliver our strongest recording yet, in an album entitled WHITE BUFFALO set for an August 2012 release on Memphis International Records.

This is where you come in.

~ “the Lord loves a cheerful giver” ~

The current economy and destabilized music industry make money hard to come by, for artists. And like many artists, we’re taking matters into our own hands to raise money for our project. Through Kickstarter, we aim to raise $14,000 by Apr. 6 (Good Friday), and we are asking for you—our friends, family and fans—to pledge your support and share with others who might be interested in being part of this project. Money pledged will be safely collected using Amazon payments—but money is ONLY collected if the minimum goal is met in pledges. Our minimum goal is $14,000—seemingly a large amount, but consider that it includes travel, lodging and fees for the producer and engineer ($9,800), necessary computer upgrades for recording ($450), a promotional video ($1,400) and production of limited-edition vinyl LPs for collectors and our donors ($2,500). The remainder will be put toward Kickstarter fees and national touring expenses for the band.

We’ve created some great incentives to offer our donors, at every level--check 'em out. Larger donation options could be collected through a group of friends or corporate backer with whom you may be affiliated, one that might step up at these levels—live performances could be tied in with corporate events, special events, etc. Have pledge parties, get together and get creative--but just get with our program.

Please consider backing our project in whatever way you can—you can pledge online at Kickstarter anytime though April 6th.

We want you to be a part of this music. Help us deliver more catfish music unto the masses.

Keep an eye on the horizon,
Capt. Catfish

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