
Monday, March 19, 2012

Deadline: Music From The Movie - Dave Perkins - New Release Review

I have just received a soundtrack recording for the soon to be released movie Deadline by Dave Perkins. Perkins' 2009 Pistol City Holiness was very highly acclaimed. The release is made up of 15 tracks that vary from short sonic interludes to full musical tracks.The recording opens with Hanging Cross which is a very cool opening number with a solo guitar with keys and reverb. I really like it. Amos Medley is a sonic dream using guitars, banjo and other percussive instruments to create environment. It also has a bit of vocal used as an instrument. This is very cool as well. Revival is a straight up rock song and could definitely warrant airplay with it's driving beat and interesting guitar riffs. Bad News is a very funky track with primary lead vocal but still retaining it's interesting musical texture. Courthouse Stand is a short vocal and piano mantra. Again very cool. The title track, Deadline, is a country blues style song with some interesting guitar and harp riffs. Scratch/Now It's Personal another "soundscape" track with resonator and harp is very interesting. What It Is is a cool rocker and could be right off of a Stones record. Possibly the best "full song" on the disk. Alabama Shooter/Hole is a very cool acoustic guitar and harp sonic exploration that is again very interesting. Flashback is again a soundscape and I find it very pleasing. Break is a cool track with a mixture of harp and rippin guitars over a vocal track. The recording ends with Fife and Drum which is exactly what it is. I really like the sonic qualities of this recording. If you know Frankie's House, the instrumental album (soundtrack) by Jeff Beck and Jed Lieber I would easily compare it and say this ranks in good stead. If you like sonic music with guitars you will likely like this recording. I do.

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