
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hear me Calling - Ten Years After

To me TYA was always about Alvin Lee but I have to give these guys their due. I have listened to their subsequent recordings and they are really good. Not just the amazing musicianship of the original members but Joe Gooch does a grat job. It may not be "TYA" but it's still a good band. Last year the band played around fifty-six shows mostly in Europe with a short run to Canada for three festival dates. There are a number of shows planned throughout 2012 so keep an eye on our web site for ones local to you.

I'd like to thank all of you that come along time after time to support us, some old some young. Many of you have become friends over a number of years and we know your names but there are also many familiar faces we see every time out there in the crowd. Thank you for your enthusiastic welcome at every gig we play. It makes the journey worthwhile.

Many of you have asked about a new TYA record. There's no studio recording planned for this year but we are reviewing material already in the can to see what could be interesting to release. I'm keen on Vinyl these days. I'm amazed how much better the sound is compared with MP3s. I’m trying to persuade TYA to do something on Vinyl and it would be great to hear what you think about the idea for some vinyl releases from TYA as well as the usual CD.
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