
Monday, March 26, 2012

Lil' Damsel Records artist Chelle Rose - Ghost of Browder Holler - New Release Review

I have been listening to the new recording, Ghost of Browder Holler, a new recording by Chelle Rose. I'm gonna tell you right up front. It's not blues. I've heard a lot of music in my lifetime and I hear a lot of classifications put onto music which causes them to be pigeon holed into some slot where they'll never be found so I won't try to describe exactly what it is. I'll tell you what it is to me.

It's honest. I don't hear any of the stereotypical sounds or vocal corrections or mandatory licks to make it what it something that it's not. Chelle has an interesting voice and she just puts it out there. She's more a country punk than a star search wanna be... and to me that's good.

This 12 track recording is due to be released on May 1. The recording opens with Browder Holler Boy, a song with a lot of rural sounds and the voice is more the voice of a poet. What do I mean by that... think Brody Dalle, Courtney Love or Bob Dylan ... and to me that is a positive. The music is simple, clear and relaxing. No pretense. I Need You has a bit of rock kicked onto it and this could actually be a song that hits the radio (every once in a while a good one makes it!) Leona Barnett is a tale told through song and very cool as well as sonically interesting. Alimony is another rocker with guitars and overdriven tube amps and everything. This song has a little bit of everything. If I Could is a simple love song. It is very well constructed and executed. Damsel has a real haunting quality to it. It's a pretty simple song but nicely done. Wild Violets Pretty is a very simple song accompanied by a mandolin. It is executed very delicately like a voice on canvas. This recording is outside of my prime listening zone but I feel that it well done and should find a strong audience. I'm keeping my copy.
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