
Monday, March 12, 2012

San Francisco Bay Blues - Lone Cat Jesse Fuller

Jesse Fuller was born in 1896 in Jonesboro, Georgia. He never knew his father and his mother gave him away to another family at the age of seven. He was beaten and starved, "treated worse than a dog" he said. When he was nine, living with a family named Wilson near Macedonia, Georgia, he showed his first musical interest when he constructed himself a mouth bow. "I made a bow like the Indians used to use and put some wax on the string," explained Fuller. "I put the bow in my mouth and pick the string and it sounded like a jew's-harp. I don't know how the idea ever came into my head." By the age of ten, he had also built a crude guitar and was learning to play songs from various musicians at Saturday night dances that he managed to sneak into.
Jesse Fuller died on January 30, 1976 in Oakland. By the start of the 1980s, though folk artists still included some of his songs in their repertoire, little of Jesse's recorded work was still available. A few albums of his 1960s work continued to be offered by small record companies, an example being Fantasy Records' 'Brother Lowdown', a repackaging of Fuller's Prestige recordings, and 'The Lone Cat' on GTJ with was digitally remastered and released on CD in 1990 by GTJ.
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