
Friday, April 6, 2012

Crankshaft Update!

I hope you've been well! I'm just writing you a brief note to let you all know about what's been going on with Crankshaft lately.

Last weekend my song "327" was played on NPR's Car Talk as a bumper track! This is the second song from the album Junkyard Rhythm that they've played in the last three months!

In less then two weeks I'll be traveling down to the heart of the Mississippi Delta to a town called Clarksdale to preform as a one man band at their Juke Joint Festival! This is the town where the highways 61 and 59 meet to make the legendary "crossroads" where Robert Johnson apparently sold his soul to the devil in exchange for lightning fast guitar skills. To my knowledge I will be the only Minnesota musician booked down there, this is definitely an honor for me, and super exciting!

Locally, out of 16 bands, I've advanced to the final round of Famous Dave's Battle of the Blues Bands, which just happens to be the same weekend as the Juke Joint Festival! This has created some crazy logistics for me and my family. This is what we came up with: My dad agreed to drive down to Clarksdale, MS with me for the festival during Friday and Saturday. Then on Sunday morning he's going to drop me off at the Memphis airport, where I'm going to fly back to Minneapolis, and he's going to drive. When I arrive my Mom is going to pick me up at the airport and literally bring me straight to Dave's to compete at the final Battle! Yes, it will be a marathon, hopefully it will be a worthwhile one, I'm pretty confident that my band and I can win!

More good news! I've sold all 1000 copies of the first run of my latest studio album Junkyard Rhythm! (released - May, 2011) I've also set a plan in motion to record another full length album that will be titled When The Sun Goes Down. We'll be recording the guitar, upright bass, and drum tracks live during the first week of June in a early 1900's wood barn about 40 minutes north-west of Minneapolis, MN. This will be the first album that I'll be hiring a national publicist for! I'm aiming for a November or December release. Junkyard Rhythm was repressed so that I'll have something semi-fresh available for new fans until the next album has been released.

Thanks for your time and support folks, I hope you find this semi-interesting or somewhat entertaining! Until next time, turn it up and boogie down! Crankshaft OUT!

If you like what I’m doing, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! ”LIKE”

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