
Friday, May 11, 2012

New Release - He Ain't Done With Me Yet - Calvin B. Streets - Review

I have been listening to the new Calvin B. Streets recording, He Ain't Done With Me Yet, and it's pretty interesting. It begins with a hard driving version of the classic Further On Up The Road where both Street and Brian Montrey flex their electric guitar muscles. Ragtime Fantasy is a cool acoustic based track with Streets taking on a particular vintage sound possibly even using a megaphone. Quick Change is a slow shuffle giving Streets a good opportunity to play his Tele and also features an interesting key solo by Jordan Clover. To The Core, a Streets original brushes delta blues and possibly my favorite track on the cd. Just a man and his axe. Coney Island Rhapsody is another cool rag style blues and very relaxing to listen to. Overall this is an eclectic batch of tunes but a little something for everyone.
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Not necessarily tracks from the cd.

1 comment:

  1. Calvin streets is a diamond in the rough. If we're lucky, we'll be hearing great things out of him.

    ~ Just another blues lover, That Rebel
