
Friday, October 26, 2012

Low-Country Cookin' to go with your Blues

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Cool John Ferguson rocks Capitol Blues
 with the Music Maker Blues Revue
Cool John at Cap Blues Night  Seeing Cool John perform is always a special treat. We were so excited to have him with us for the expanded Capitol Blues Night, which also included Ironing Board Sam, Captain Luke, Big Ron Hunter, Sol and Ardie Dean. It was a great night of Blues and if you didn't make it out, check our Twitter and Facebook for
an upcoming video from the evening.
While talking to Cool John last night, we thought it might be fun to post a low-country recipe, since it is the start of the season of entertaining, and Cool John hails from South Carolina. Here's a recipe for the "official snack of South Carolina," boiled peanuts, a great party food: 

1lb green peanuts 
1 quart water
Keep the shells on the peanuts, wash and place in a large, sturdy pot. Add the water, and push peanuts down to make sure the water is about an inch above them. Add a heaping tablespoon of salt. (Note: this recipe is easy to expand, it's 1 tablespoon for every 1 qt of water, 1 lb of peanuts.)

Bring the water to a boil. Then, turn down the heat and simmer, about two hours or more, depending on how you like them.

Once cooked, let cool in the water. Dig in immediately when cool!

Diggin: "Having Fun"
Cool John Ferguson
I got my first taste of traveling for work the other week when I went with John Dee Holeman and Joan up to Richmond for the Richmond Folk Festival. As we're all packing up to go up to DC this week for Capitol Blues Night, it behooves me to listen to something like "Having Fun" by Cool John Ferguson; it's cruising music that does a lot to soothe my nerves, as I'm the kind of person who likes to worry about everything all the time. It also reminds me that as a rule, having to go to music festivals for work is the definition of "Having Fun."
Cool John Ferguson's ability to make the guitar talk is second to none. Both his and his guitar's voices speak volumes on this track about taking life as it comes and having a positive attitude about it; it brings to mind warm days driving with the window down letting my hand surf on the wind rushing past the car. It's the little things that bring you pleasure that are worth focusing on.

-- Whitney
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Capt. Luke and Tom Ciaburri
Music Maker is always posting updates, photos and stories ot our Twitter and Facebook pages. Make sure you follow us on Twitter at, or at Coming in November we're going to have a lot of fun new things going on, and we want to make sure you're the first to know!

Everything we announce on our social media will be here in the newsletter, but to be the first to know about special Holiday deals, artist accomplishments and more, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter! (And share with your friends!)
Cool John Ferguson -   Having Fun

Captain Luke Drink House
Photo of the Week by Tim Duffy
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Upcoming Shows: Click here for more info on upcoming events 
10/24 - Cool John Ferguson, Captain Luke, Ironing Board Sam, Big Ron Hunter, Sol & Ardie Dean - Capitol Blues Night, The Hamilton, Washington, DC
10/25 - Ironing Board Sam - The Crunkleton, Chapel Hill, NC
10/27- 11/2- Ironing Board Sam, Carolina Chocolate Drops - Legendary Rhythm & Blues Cruise
11/02 - John Dee Holeman - They Eddy Pub, Saxapahaw, NC
11/02 - Albert White - Northside Tavern, Atlanta, GA
11/08 - Ironing Board Sam - The Crunkelton, Chapel Hill, NC
11/09 - Ironing Board Sam - The Depot, Hillsborough, NC
11/11 - George Higgs -  Pinecone Music of the Carolinas, NCMoH, Raleigh, NC
11/15 - Ironing Board Sam - The Crunkleton, Chapel Hill, NC
11/17 - Lakota John and Kin - American Indian Heritage Festival, NCMo, Raleigh, NC
11/22 - Ironing Board Sam - The Crunkleton, Chapel Hill, NC
11/29 - Ironing Board Sam - The Crunkleton, Chapel Hill, NC
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Music Maker Relief Foundation, Inc. helps the true pioneers and forgotten heroes of Southern music gain 
recognition and meet their day to day needs. We present these musical traditions to the world so American culture will flourish and be preserved for future generations.       

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