
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Get well soon, George!

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George Higgs recovering in the hospital
George Higgs by Jimmy Williams
Photo by Jimmy Williams
We've just gotten word that Tarboro, NC Bluesman George Higgs has been moved out of the ICU after an issue with his lungs, and is on the mend.

Unfortunately George has had to cancel his gigs for the rest of 2012 to re-cooperate, but Music Maker will continue be there for him as he recovers. If you'd like to send Get Well cards or wishes to George, please send them to Music Maker at PO Box 1358 Hillsborough, NC 27278, and we will pass them on to him. 

We are happy to hear the hopeful report of George's continued improvement and he, as well as his family, remain in our thoughts.
Diggin: "I'm Going Home"
George Conner
photo by Axel Kustner

Just like the opening line in George Conner's "I'm Going Home" stutters its way to the root note, I return to my desk here at Music Maker. I am just returning from a two-and-a-half-week journey with my new wife, Nicolle, to Indonesia. We had a wonderful time, but as fun as it was, it felt good to come home and see my cat, cook at my own stove and sleep in my bed.

This track from George's forthcoming release, his first with Music Maker, is a celebratory romp.  It tells of a man who is taking control of his life in the best way he knows how--he goes home. Whatever troubles he left behind, he made his decision and the way he's singing, it was the right one. Of course, the root of this song comes from the spiritual tradition and home in that instance refers to the home we all have in the great beyond. I think whether we are talking about that home or just plain home home, the meaning is the same.  The pace and feel of "I'm Going Home" off of Brother's Tone coming out next month expresses what that concept of home means to us all.

-- Aaron
Annual Fund letters in the mail!
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Are you on our mailing list? If so, watch out for our letter coming to you shortly! If you're not, and you'd like to be, please email and we'll make sure you're added!
George Conner -   I'm Going Home

Adolphus Bell
Photo of the Week by Tim Duffy
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Upcoming Shows: Click here for more info on upcoming events 
11/11 - John Dee Holeman -  Pinecone Music of the Carolinas, NCMoH, Raleigh, NC
11/17 - Lakota John and Kin - American Indian Heritage Festival, NCMo, Raleigh, NC
11/20 - Dr. Burt - So Blues Festival, Coulaines, France
11/22 - Dr. Burt - Salle Jaques Brel, Montigny Les Bretonneux, France
11/23 - Dr. Burt - Beautiful Swamp Blues Festival, Calais, France
12/01 - Albert White - Northside Tavern, Atlanta, GA
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Music Maker Relief Foundation, Inc. helps the true pioneers and forgotten heroes of Southern music gain 
recognition and meet their day to day needs. We present these musical traditions to the world so American culture will flourish and be preserved for future generations.       

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