
Monday, November 19, 2012

Have a Mother Blues Thanksgiving!

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Pat "Mother Blues" Helps Make Your Thanksgiving Rock!

Pat Cohen doesn't just possess a voice to blow you out of your seat and onto the dance floor, she's also a goddess in the kitchen. We talked to Pat this past week and she gave us all her secret recipes for a Thanksgiving feast no one will forget - and we have them to share with you, on easy to print recipe cards! Click here to get all the deliciousness!

If you do make one (or all!) of Pat's recipes and let us know (we'd love a picture) we'll send you a free CD of your choice!

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us, and Pat!
Bishop Dready Manning -   I Am a Pilgrim
Diggin: "I am a Pilgrim"
Bishop Dready Manning We knew this would be a perfect track for this week - we think Bishop Dready Manning's "I am a Pilgrim" should be on your playlist this Thanksgiving. As we all furiously work to take care of things at the office before dispersing to D.C., New Jersey, or just down the road in Durham, we're listening to this with a smile on our faces. It's a happy, jaunty tune, and what's Thanksgiving without Pilgrims? Whenever I hear this song, though I know Bishop Manning is talking about a different kind of Pilgrim, I think of the traditional Thanksgiving scene from my elementary school days (and the one my neighbor has recreated on 6ft plywood boards in their front yard) which always makes me grin.

We hope wherever you are for your Thanksgiving holiday, that you know we give thanks for you, and your support. Enjoy the tune!

- Corinne
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Music Maker is embracing Black Friday and Cyber Monday!

If you're not out battling the lines to get the best deal on Friday, cozy up with some leftovers and your computer and shop for the Holidays on Music Maker's webstore!

We'll have deals for you to take advantage of on Friday through the weekend - and some more for on Monday!

Gift the gift of American Roots music this holiday season - your purchases will make someone smile, and help our artists too.

Now that's a great deal!
Thanksgiving On the Road

Are you traveling this week? We were all talking about various travels, especially overseas trips with Dr. Burt in France this week, and Tim recalled the first overseas trip he took with Guitar Gabriel.
Tim Duffy, Guitar Gabriel, Captain Luke
Tim Duffy, Guitar Gabriel, Captain Luke
In March of 1991 I met bluesman Guitar Gabriel on the streets of Winston-Salem, NC. In just a short time we became partners, produced an album and were performing at clubs and festivals. To our delight we were invited to perform at a festival in Holland - but Gabe needed a passport. After much research we found his birth certificate; however, it was totally illegible and the passport agency would not accept it. We appealed to our Congressman who introduced us to the Clerk of Court in Winston. After examining the document, the Clerk determined that whoever filled out the form was illiterate and misspelled everything including his name, illegible scrawl which she declared "No Name." She instructed us on how to legally change this to Robert L Jones - his real name. The passport followed, and we were on our way.

When I went to pick up Gabe to go to the airport, his wife Dot was very mad at us for leaving her and would not let us check the suitcase to make sure Gabe had suits for the performance. Gabe and I gave up and headed out. Arriving in Utrecht, Gabe was ready to change into his pajamas and turn in. Opening his suitcase he found only dirty socks and underwear. Luckily, I ran into the legendary bluesman Guitar Shorty in the hallway, and this story tickled him to no end. He lent Gabe a suit for the show the next day. This memorable trip had many twists and turns, that would take pages to write. The good news was we made our shows, and the plane back home.

We arrived in LaGuardia on Thanksgiving Day in the early evening. It was eerie, there were no people in the airport, I guess everyone had made it home. Gabe and I found a small cafe, ordered up hamburger and fries, and Gabe said a blessing. I was thankful to be heading back home and for that whirlwind of a year when I began my journey with the blues.

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us, you've made this journey possible.

- Tim Duffy

Neal Pattman
Photo of the Week by Mark Austin
Upcoming Shows: Click here for more info on upcoming events 
11/11 - John Dee Holeman -  Pinecone Music of the Carolinas, NCMoH, Raleigh, NC
11/17 - Lakota John and Kin - American Indian Heritage Festival, NCMo, Raleigh, NC
11/20 - Dr. Burt - So Blues Festival, Coulaines, France
11/22 - Dr. Burt - Salle Jaques Brel, Montigny Les Bretonneux, France
11/23 - Dr. Burt - Beautiful Swamp Blues Festival, Calais, France
12/01 - Albert White - Northside Tavern, Atlanta, GA
12/07 - Shelton Powe - The Eddy Pub, Saxapahaw, NC
1/04 - Boo Hanks - The Eddy Pub, Saxapahaw, NC
2/01 - Ironing Board Sam - The Eddy Pub, Saxapahaw, NC
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Music Maker Relief Foundation, Inc. helps the true pioneers and forgotten heroes of Southern music gain 
recognition and meet their day to day needs. We present these musical traditions to the world so American culture will flourish and be preserved for future generations.       

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