
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Remember the Musicians Whose Stories Must Be Told

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Musicians Need You - Let their voices be heard! 
Clyde Langford
Don't let them be silenced by the passing time...
Music Maker shines a light on the voices of American music that have been shadowed by a veil of poverty. Their experience, their stories and their art are what makes our country unique, but too often these musical pioneers are forgotten by all but their home communities.  Your support of Music Maker ensures these musicians receive the recognition they deserve. Please give today. 

The talent of these elderly musicians might only have been heard by a few - but instead Music Maker documents their music, preserving it for future generations.  

These artists might have spent their elder years living in dire poverty - but instead Music Maker assists with basic life needs and in the event of emergencies that don't stop you and me, but could prove catastrophic for them.   

The opportunity for a thriving musical career might have passed these artists by, but instead Music Maker facilitates bookings and professional development, and audiences worldwide experience their music live. 

Through our programs, the pioneers of our Southern Roots share their talent and their stories to hundreds of thousands worldwide each year. These experiences educate future generations about the importance of America's cultural heritage, and elevate the artists and their communities.  

Will you help us continue this important work? Any gift you make before June 30th will be doubled - if we reach our $80,000 goal. We are almost there, but we still need you.  

If you have given, thank you - will you consider being an advocate for Music Maker and telling people about the great work we do?

Without you, we would not be able to provide programs for artists. We would not be able to educate the world about our Southern Roots. We would see the cultural treasures living among us silenced forever by the passing of time.  

Please make your gift today, and help us continue to preserve our Southern Roots.

Tim Wet Plate
This week at Music Maker 

On The Blog: Ben Payton is the subject of a short film! Check it out!
In The Office: Doc features the Carolina Chocolate Drops - read more!
On The Road: Check out our Tour Calendar 

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