
Monday, June 10, 2013

Rhonda Sue Records artist: David Egan Self Titled release - New Release Review

I just received the new self titled release from David Egan and it's quite entertaining. Opening with That's A Big Ol' Hurt, Egan conjures the silky smooth sound of Basin Street and a refined orchestration. This is a really cool track along the lines of I Got News For You. Egan really delivers vocally and on piano. Funky track Call Your Children Home, benefits from Lil Buck Senegal adding some hot guitar riffs. Outta Mississippi is a hard charger with driving piano and moving to Dickie Landry playing some outrageous sax later in the track. Dance To The Blues With Me has a R&B style with nice instrumental texture. Bruce MacDonald adds nice guitar work on this track and background vocals by Roddie Romero and Caleb Romero add considerable warmth. One Foot In The Bayou is a straight up boogie with a cool swing. Egan's piano work on this track is hot and Joe McMahan slips in some nice guitar riffs as well. Not to be ignored are solid contributions by Mike Sipos on drums and Ron Eoff on Bass. The Outside has a really nice sway to it with a vocal delivery that is just right. Egan again takes control of the track on piano and his sense of taste for filler is super. Funky Dreams is a real N.O. style funky blues track with instrumental added like paint on a canvas. Lush guitar work by Buddy Flett adds to the mix here with multiple key parts and snappy drumming. Sad Sad Satisfaction is one of my favorite tracks on the release. Can't really tell you why, and that is a good thing. I think it means it's well written and performed. This laid back track just lays in the groove with a complex interweaving of melodies and smolders. The release ends with R&B style ballad, Every Tear. This is a song that reminds me quite a bit of Amazing Grace. It has a sweet melody and one that could easily find mass appeal. This is a particularly strong release that may not appeal to everyone, but I will say, give it a chance. you may find you really really like it!

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