
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Big Legal Mess artist: Leo Welch - Sabougla Voices - New release review

I just received the new release (January 7, 2014), Sabougla Voices, from Leo Welch and I love it. Raw energy and gritty music. Opening with Praise His Name,Welch unleashes a great howling feel good track reminiscent of Jesse Mae Hemphill or RL Burnside. Awesome. Chased by paired guitar and raw backing vocals this track is really tops! You Can't Hurry God has a bit of that Louisiana street sound and a lot of piano with drums. Welch's unique vocal style keeps this deal real. On Me And My Lord, Welch lays back into a easy paced exchange not unlike Rollin' and Tumblin' with his own vocals echoed by female backing. There's no polish here and none needed. Perfect. Take Care Of Me Lord is a really cool shuffle track. Welch sings with super confidence and his backing vocals give the music super reality. This is old style blues music at today's best. Mother Loves Her Children takes the pace down again to a slow blues tempo along the lines of It Hurts Me Too. Welch does some of his best vocal work on this track and it is likely to best appeal to more mainstream listeners. Praying Time has all of the enthusiasm of a gospel tent on Saturday night. It's hard not to enjoy this music. It's great! Somebody Touched Me opens with a cool raggedy guitar riff and you immediately have my attention. You can't make this stuff up. This is the real deal! In traditional gospel style, Welch sings the opening and is echoed by vocal backing. A Long Journey has deep R&B roots and heartfelt vocals. Simple accompaniment with guitar and drums enhances the appeal of this as with most every track on the release. His Holy Name springs back to the revival tent tempo with only light percussion and jangly guitar. It is obvious that Welch lives this music. Wrapping the release is The Lord Will Make A Way, a solid blues track with obvious religious overtones. With only the simplest of guitar accompaniment, Welch sings beautifully for a simple clean and memorable conclusion. Oh Yeah... And I really dig the cover!!

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