
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Ruf Records artists: Kim Simmonds and Savoy Brown - Goin' To The Delta - New release review

I just received the newest release (2/11/14), Goin' To The Delta, from Savoy Brown and I think it's their best in years. As my regular readers know, I have been a Savoy Brown fan for a long time. Led by one of the best blues players ever to come from the UK, Kim Simmonds, the band is back on track with another consistently super release. Opening with "Elmore James like" Laura Lee featuring Kim on vocal and (Strat!) guitar. Kim doesn't ever hold back and he is a clever guitar player with a lot of natural feel. He rides this track like rce horse and bassest Pat DeSalvo and drummer Garnet Grimm are tight. Sad News has more of a Chicago "Muddy Waters' feel with a nice loping swagger. Kim steps up again with a super guitar intro. One of the criticisms of later SB releases was Kim's lack of vocal skills but on these tracks, Kim's vocals work well with the format of the tracks. Possibly he has more of a "blues" voice than a ballad voice and his return to a more straightforward blues format is actually a double play. His guitar work always superb, Kim lays down some terrific riffs here. Nuthin' Like The Blues is a blues rocker with almost a Chuck Berry feel. Simmonds holds back on guitar a little on this track but it has a little of the "Hellbound Train" flavor as a part of it's jam. Cool. When You've Got A Good Thing has a jazzier flavor but still with strong blues roots. Kim uses this as a vehicle to explore more complex riffs and stylized phrases. Very nice! Instrumental track Cobra has a real boogie feel that was so prevalent in one of Savoy Browns best periods. It's really nice to hear them revisit this style as it will certainly be a favorite among fans and win new fans (Think LaGrange). Backstreet Woman has a funky blues feel and Simmonds continues to demonstrate why he has remained on top of the game in respect of other guitar players. Title track, Goin' To The Delta has a Texas style lope and Simmonds pulls out some really nice riffs including some Johnny Winter like riffs... something I've not recalled seeing from him before. A real nice groove and a solid bottom make this a sure crowd pleaser. Probably my favorite track on this release, Just A Dream, a real smooth blues T-Bone Walker style track provides a nice contrast to the balance of the release and giving Simmonds a chance to play some really deep riffs. Kim's phrasing is really sweet and evokes emotional response... that's why they call it the blues! Really nice! Turn Your Lamp On has a bit of a Freddie King but a definite Savoy Brown feel. A straightforward blues rocker, Simmonds seems to have found his groove on vocal. I Miss Your Love provides a solid track to showcase Simmonds as a slide player, something which I believe has been a strong suit since the bands inception. He has a great feel and tone but never overplays. Excellent! Sleeping Rough, another Texas style blues rocker is solid track with a great sound and Simmonds again lights up the fretboard in blues fashion. Wrapping up the release is Latin infused blues track, Going Back. DeSalvo and Grimm really set the tone for this track but Simmonds after all is Savoy Brown. His vocal work is really good and his guitar work is rockin. I can say without a doubt that this is the consistently best overall Savoy Brown releases that I have heard in a long time and a super release of tasty blues guitar music when it seems to be hard to come by. Great job guys. Hope to see you soon!

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