
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Carolyn Fe Blues Collective - Bad taboo - New release Review

I just received the newest release, Bad Taboo, from Carolyn Fe Blues Collective and it's got a little something for everyone. Opening with All About Them, a contemporary jazzy shuffle, Rami Cassab (Guitar) and Tim Alleyne (Keyboard)lay out some Steely Dan like memorable riffs. Kitty Cat has a light feel driven by tight percussion from Dan Legault (Drums). Fe uses her voice effectively on this track opening the door for again nice guitar riffs from Cassab. Title track Bad Taboo has a soul feel and Oisin Little (Bass)steps up with key bass lines. A serious ballad with war backing vocals, this is a clear contender for the airplay track from this release. Shun Kikuta plays a Moon Guitar on this track blending nicely with the mix. Life's Just That Good has a romping blues format with stripped down guitar and vocal and Guy Belanger on harp. Love Galore has a nice strut. Fe uses the track to showcase her versatility and Cassab lays down a nice guitar solo as well. Goodbye is a very serious minded ballad with a really strong arrangement. Basically just Fe on vocal and Alleyne on keys, this track has a haunting feel. Very Nice. Bad Thing has a vampy feel with a a cool bass line and nice key work from Alleyne. A particularly nice sax track by Jason Luc Murphy adds color to this track as well. Redemption, a disjointed but precise arrangement of instrumentation is actually one of my favorites on the release. Cool non linear guitar work from Cassab adds real nice tension to an otherwise casual track. Not Anymore is a basic blues track with interesting male backing giving it a certain texture. Again Cassab steps up with a clean articulate guitar solo for some added spice. Promised is another of the more airwaves directed tracks on the release. Fe's vocals are nicely highlighted over sweet piano, organ, drums and bass making fro a tight little package. Alleyne steps up the organ taking the track to a higher elevation and Cassab ties a bow on the end with a tight solo. Watching You, an R&B style track is carried by a cloud of organ and solid rhythm guitar. One of the best opportunities for Cassab and Alleyne to showcase their instrumental works, this track the line and run. On Whole Lotsa Trouble, Fe steps up and with the assist of Cassab on slide and Guy Belanger on harp laying down a simple acoustic gospel/blues track. Wrapping the release is Not Worth The Show, my absolute favorite track on the release. A real rocker with edge, that band really cranks it.

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