
Friday, September 5, 2014

Smelly Cat Records artist: Kirby Sewell Band - Girl With A New Tattoo - New Release Review

I just received the newest release (September 30, 2014), Girl With A New Tattoo, from the Kirby Sewell Band and is really cool! Opening The Devil's In The Details with tom tom's pounding by Jim Johnson and a funky rhythm from Neil Gunhold and Morgan Turk on guitars pushed by Jae Cho on bass, these guys are rumbling and Sewell adds super vocals. A cool slide solo and nicely flat picked solo on this track really kick it in the butt. Great start! Simply Not Enough is an easy going, well constructed ballad with a solid melody and vocals. Twin guitar leads and warm chords make this a certain radio track. Title track, Girl With A New Tattoo, is a cocky blues track with a Chuck Berry feel. This is a real cool track with tasty guitar riffs and a solid bottom (think Berry's Almost Grown). Very cool! Carry Me Home is a blues rocker with some swagger. A tight back beat mixed with a soft bridge makes it a unique track. Stop and Go opens with a real nice bass line and Sewell is right on it with nicely phrased vocals. A little different kind of funk with a jazzy rock line makes this one of my favorite tracks on the release. A "southern style" slide solo gives this track a little extra punch. $1.11 is a fast rocker with a rolling bottom. Cho really has this track moving and Johnson does a really nice job of keeping things rolling. Clever guitar riffs and solid vocals again make this a really strong track. A Better Reason slows down to a soft ballad with steel guitar like riffs. A sweet melody and clever lyrics make this another track that could easily get strong airplay. Kiss You Tonight is a real toe tapper with cool slide work. Sewell demonstrates over and again that he has a super voice for a band like this. Overall this is a really cool track with a hot guitar riffs and a nice hook! Cryin' All The Way has a really nice opening bass line developing into a strong rocker. Having a taste of Joe Jackson's Is She Really Going Out With Him, and a sucker punch at the end of bar, solid vocals and smokin guitar riffs, I really like this track. Great rocker! Wrapping the release is Till The River Starts To Overflow, a light handed but briskly finger picked track. With the hand claps and springy feel, this track is a light weight revival track. A really nice closer for a cool new release.

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