
Monday, December 29, 2014

Blues 102 Announces Blues Show for Youth

Introducing Half Pint Blues

A Unique Show for today's youth

Social Media/Internet Radio station has raised the bar again starting in January Blues 102 will be adding an additional show to their list of programs, this show will be titled 'Half Pint Blues'.

Half Pint Blues will be a blues show targeted for kids. Kool Breeze, one of Blues 102's radio hosts, approached Blues 102 Program Director Bill Kenton with the idea. Bill immediately agreed saying, "This ties in to our mission statement of supporting the blues and doing our part to keeping the genre alive and flourishing.  It's the children that legacy will fall to."  Kool Breeze adds that, "It's all about the kids."

Gizmo Media Stations management team, Rich Strunck, Katrina Kenton, and Bill Kenton are extremely excited about the Half Pint Blues offering including the initiative and follow through exhibited by Kool Breeze. Said Bill, "She has a great idea and she's taken the ball and is running with it."

Kool Breeze has been in contact with multiple artists from around the country gathering music for the show which will primarily be geared towards elementary to middle school age children. The show is scheduled to begin on January 5th and will air at 5pm EST on Mondays and Wednesdays, lasting up to 30 minutes.

The Half Pint Blues shows will be archived on the website so that children around the world will be able to listen to the shows at their convenience. Currently there are also talks about adding a few one hour segments online for schools to play during lunch hours if so desired.

For more information on Half Pint Blues or if you're an artist who wishes to be involved please feel free to contact or

In closing:
Gizmo Media stations has also added a few new features to their website. Artists can now link videos directly in the 'Community' section viewable from all the station pages. They've also added a 'Featured Artists' page for artist promotion. See for more info.

The music is within them -
instruments help bring it out
got an old instrument lying around?
Donate it to a school band director
something good will come out of

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