
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Brad Hatfield - For A Change - New Release review

I just received the newest release, For A Change, from Brad Hatfield and it's got quite a sting. Opening with That's My Home, a blues rocker, Hatfield handles lead vocals and Bob Britt is hot on guitar. Kevin McKendree (keys), Tommy MacDonald (bass) and Tom Hambridge (drums) round out the package. This track brings to my mind the late great Bill Perry, too soon gone. Back Door Scratchin' has a funky under tone but it's really blues with edge and again love Hatfield's vocals and Britt's guitar work. Excellent! On easy shuffle track, Behave Yourself, it's McKendree who shines instrumentally with really nice piano work and Britt's solo work had a bit more of an acoustic feel. Smarter Than I Was has a heavier rock feel , still with a blues base. I grinding rhythm and swirling guitar riffs proliferate this track. Very cool. Devil On Both Shoulders is a country rock 2 stepper led by Hambridge on drums and the slide work of Britt. Hatfield has plenty of swagger, heavy bottom by MacDonals and prominent piano work of McKendree gives this track plenty of roll. So Much, So Little has a real nice bluesy feel with Hatfeld on both lead vocal and harp. With hot drum work from Hambridge, this is one of the coolest tracks on the release. Slow blues number, Never Finished Nothin' allows Hatfield to show his soulful side and Britt throws down some absolutely excellent guitar riffs. MacDonald sets the course with a strong bass line and again McKendree's piano work is stellar. Excellent! Good Love After Bad is a cool boogie track with a sound of modern Cream with organ. Quite a nice track. Drink, Drank, Drunk has a has a super cool boogie rhythm and a great pace that keeps you moving in your seat (or more). Britt puts together an unusual guitar solo really emphasizing the country nature of the track (by juxtaposition) and the keyboard rhythm is cool. Title track, For A Change, has more of a casual "radio" feel with an easy to like melody and warmly matched instrumental accompaniment. Swamp Poker is another track with plenty of kick. An easy country feel, say like Lay Down Sally, with simple guitar riffs makes it universally appealing. McKendree really kicks the last track, Burbank's Boogie off with an incredible piano roll. Hatfield kicks it into gear sounding like a new era Little Richard. Not only vocally but pn harp, Hatfield is on fire. This is a great track to wrap up the release. Super release with a lot of something for everyone!  

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