
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Review of Walter Trout's Performance at the Maui Sugar Mill in Tarzana, CA - the bluezy redhead - Guest Writer

The Southern California heat wave started last Monday night when the Sugaray Rayford Band took center stage (and left, right and rear). This past Monday night at the Maui Sugar Mill, for Cadillac Zack's Monday Night Blues Party, it was exceedingly hot outside - 100 degrees - with a 100% chance the inside of the venue would reach 120!! Reach it did... into every nook and cranny of the small dive bar. The A/C was flowing through the vents. The fans were moving in a circular motion. Both operational. When the headliner and his band hit the stage, the temps began to rise... and rise... and rise... to a sweltering surreal meltdown of blues/rock! Two words: Walter Trout. Two more words: Unofficial comeback. An abundance of more words: Walter was on death's bed waiting for a liver transplant not too long ago. He had lost 140 pounds, could barely speak and thought he was at the end of his life. His wife, Marie, constantly told him it was not his time to leave, so he held on to her words. The good news came that they found a liver for him. He had the surgery and recovered and now he is back to carry on his legacy as one of THE best blues/rock guitar slingers and vocalists; without a doubt... not even a shadow of one! This writer had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Trout once before in 2004ish at Humphrey's by the Bay in San Diego. Never having heard of him before, I was in utter disbelief by the talent that he exuded. I mean, come on, he is only one human being and since he doesn't wear a superhero costume or even a cape... how could he be who he was? He was born to play the blues and he will leave this earth playing the blues, as did BB King. With his new zest for living a brand new life, he has an even more impeccable and renewed sense of who he is and exudes it with a heightened stage persona. Dressed in a purple shirt (purple for empowerment) I knew the packed-to-capacity audience was in for a heavy-hitting set! Rounding out the band: Sammy on keys, Michael Leasure on drums, John on bass. First song in the set was "Can't do it by Myself" and what a great message that is... he couldn't have survived without the donor, his wife, the rest of his family, his friends and his fans. When he started performing "I'm Back" I got teary-eyed. He picked these songs to play for obvious reasons and it touched me deeply... the message and his performance. He plays the hell out of his guitar and sings as if it were his last song. He welcomed another legendary blues man, John Mayall, up to the stage; playing keys for several songs. They dedicated a song to BB King "Say Goodbye to the Blues", which was so poignant in its lyrics, yet sensually alive; a contradiction in a beautiful way! Other guests he called up to the stage were Bob Langreth on harp, his son John Trout on guitar and Jimmy Vivino of the Conan O'Brien show. The last song was a tribute that Walter wrote for his wife Marie. It was an instrumental that relayed, even without words, the beauty that he sees in her, the love that he has for her, and the gratitude he will hold in his heart forever. Beautiful. Haunting. This set could not have been more powerful in its delivery, its lyrical meaning, its sound, its visual. It was hot as hell; sexy as sin and as sensual as the purest sensuality. Thank you once again to my friend Cadillac Zack for bringing THE best blues to Southern California! Pasadena on Saturday. Long Beach on Sunday. Tarzana on Monday.

 the bluezy redhead

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