
Monday, December 19, 2016

Cleopatra Records artist: Big Jay McNeely - Blowin' Down The House - New Release Review

I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, Blowin' Down The House, from Big Jay McNeeley and it'S quite cool. Opening with club style funky track, Love Will Never Fail, McNeely shows his trademark squeal and rich horn work that has made him stand out among horn players. On soul track, My Love Never Ended, McNeely hits a solid groove with one of the best tracks on the release and soulful sax honking. Very cool. I've Been Mistreated has a real aggressive sound like early James Brown, Ike Turner or Hendrix. With rockin' guitar work and fat sax work, this track is way cool. Hard driving, Party, really jams with fluid guitar riffs over a rumbling bass lines, Mcneely really gets the place screaming for an exceptional jammer. Swing track, Big Jay's Hop, is a bit more contained but no less rockin'. McNeely's trademark lead sax work is unmistakable and fat fat fat. Blow, Blow, Blow is really hopping with sax sax sax. Excellent! Willie The Cool Cat is a great swinger with super guitar and sax lead. Step back and let it fly! Nervous, Man, Nervous has a great swing as is chocked full of super lead sax as well as fat, fat bari sax. With multiple male voices "shouting" out the lyrics, this track really gets rocking. Wrapping the release is Get On Up & Let's Boogie, a fast paced rocker with super piano getting it rolling. Trumpet punctuation behind the lead vocals brings you up to the hot guitar soloing and then ultimately McNeely taking a hot flying solo carrying the release to the end. Excellent closer to a sweet taste of Big Jay McNeely.

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