I just had the opportunity to review the Larry Coryell's At The Village Gate, a essential fusion release from a live concert performed in 1971. Opening with The Opening, an original composition Larry Coryell on guitars and vocal is joined by Mervin Bronson on bass and Harry Wilkinson on drums. Starting with a simple guitar line, The Opening is reinforced by the same line on bass and anchored by the drum part allowing Coryell wide open space to improvise. This is classic Coryell and a great tune. After Later has a lighter feel and fleeter tempo and an almost pop melody wanting to emerge fro this jagged tempo. Coryell really opens up on this track blistering the strings and giving you a mental workout. Very cool! Chick Corea's Entardecendo En Saudade is up next with a driving drum rhythm and Coryell experimenting with phase shifting and working chords against wammy bar and feedback as he literally torches the audience with riffs. Excellent! Jack Bruce's Can You Follow? is up next with it haunting melody and daunting rhythm. Coryell's work is always on top but I am really obsessed with Wilkinsons drumming on this track. Terrific. Wrapping the release is Beyond The Chilling Winds featuring Julie Coryell in duet with Larry on vocal. Akin to a Jimi Hendrix track, BTCW has complex inter-workings with a simple melody working itself into a monster jam where Coryell really unleashes. This is a great opportunity to hear Coryell at his prime.

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