I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release (April 22, 2022), Aesthetic, by Aaron Bazzell and it's a smooth debut effort. Opening with Tomorrow Today, Boston born, Atlanta raised, Bazzell leads the way of this instrumental journey on alto sax, joined by Keith Brown on piano, Jonathan Michael on bass and Brandon Donald on drums. Given a percussive piano structure, Donald really lays down a creative rhythm and Bazzell's alto work is straight up melodic. Brown breaks loose with a solid piano interlude adding another dimension. Solid opener. Unrequited is a soulful ballad with Bazzell leading the melody, cradled nicely in the piano counterpoint. Again, Brown's sensitive piano aesthetic adds to the track nicely. Latin rhythm by Michael and Donald on Purpose sets a nice oath for the melodic lead work of Bazzell and Brown. This is the most aggressive track on the release with Bazzell pushing the conventional envelope of the release and also being my favorite track on the release. Eventually is easily the radio track on the release featuring vocalist, Rachel Robinson upfront and Bazzell on counterpoint with solid bass lines by Michael. Another particularly strong track is Maktub with it's Brazilian rhythm and super interwork between Bazzell and Brown and shows some of my favorite drum work on the release. Very nice. Hard driving, Increase and Persist shows Bazzell in top form really pushed along nicely by Michael and again an excellent piano lead line by Brown over tight drum rhythms by Donald. Excellent closer.

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