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I started a quest to find terrific blues music and incredible musicianship when I was just a little kid. I also have a tremendous appreciation of fine musical instruments and equipment. One of my greatest joys all of my life was sharing my finds with my friends. I'm now publishing my journey. I hope that you come along!

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Showing posts with label Blue Moon Marquee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Moon Marquee. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Blue Moon Marquee - New Orleans Sessions - New Release Review

 I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, New Orleans Sessions, by Blue Moon Marquee and it's New Orleans blues, simplistic and raw. Opening with Memphis Minnie's Black Cat Swing, BMM hits the ground running with Danny Abrams on bari sax and BC Coogan setting the tempo for lead vocal work by Jasmine Colette who also plays bass. AW Cardinal on rhythm guitar and Nicholas Solnick on drums rounds out the troop for this enjoyable track. Charlie Patton's lively Shake It and Break It features Cardinal on lead vocal and guitar. A true party rocker with honking sax work by Abrams and a cool upright solo by Colette, this track jams. Slow blues, What I Wouldn't Do, features Cardinal on electric guitar and belting out the blues. With rolling piano work by Coogan and meaty sax work by Abrams, this track wails. A rowdy take on St James Infirmary hosts Cardinal on lead vocal and guitar and highlights the firm piano work of  Coogan and Abrams deep sax work making it one of the most memorable tracks on the release. Wrapping the release is Lonnie Johnson's Got The Blues So Bad, with Cardinal on lead vocal and featuring Jon Atkinson. With strong traditional styling, this is a great closer for a solid release. 

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  If you support live Blues acts, up and coming Blues talents and want to learn more about Blues news and Fathers of the Blues, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! ”LIKE”

 For added exposure - Blues World Wide Group "LIKE" 


“Like” Bman’s Facebook page and get support for your favorite band or venue - click HERE For your convenience, you can click the title of this post above to be taken to a site where this cd can be purchased - Happy Listening

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Blue Moon Marquee - Scream, Holler & Howl - New Release Review

 I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, Scream, Holler & Howl, from Blue Moon Marquee, and it's a cool blend of blues, swing gypsy jazz and more. Opening with title track, Scream, Holler and Howl, Blue Moon Marquee (A.W. Cardinal - vocal and guitar and Jasmine Colette - bass) gets this newest release (September 9, 2022) moving with a cool variation on a Howlin' Wolf theme with a spin. Backed by Darcy Phillips on Hammond, Matt Pease on drums Jerry Cook on sax this is a cool opener. Hound Dog On A Chain is a strong blues rocker with a driving bottom. With Colette on vocal and bass, and Cardinal on guitar really gets moving with a Booker T kind of sound complimented by Phillips' organ work. Lowlands has an early jazz sound with definite bluesy roots. With Colette on lead vocal and Bonnie Northgraves on sassy trumpet, this is a very cool track. Slinky, Come On Down really has a nice feel thanks to the snappy underpinnings by Pease on drums and Cook's bari sax work, complimenting the vocal work of Colette. Cool rag/gypsy jazz track, My Wild Rose is really cool with Cardinal back up front on lead vocal and a really nice synchronized gypsy style guitar soloing between Cardinal and Paul Pigat, with Phillips on piano, Colette on bass and Pease on drums. Very smart. Red Dust Rising is a solid blues track with Cardinal growling out the lead vocal. Philips piano really adds a classic blues character and Cardinal's guitar riffs add a modern authenticity. Wrapping the release is Another Night To Cry in classic blues styling. With Duke Robillard laying down a strong rhythm and Cardinal on guitar and lead vocal, over Phillips on piano, Colette on bass and Pease on drums this track is a fine closer. 

View Bman Blueswriter's profile on LinkedIn

  If you support live Blues acts, up and coming Blues talents and want to learn more about Blues news and Fathers of the Blues, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! ”LIKE”

 For added exposure - Blues World Wide Group "LIKE" 


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Monday, September 9, 2019

Blue Moon Marquee - Bare Knuckles & Brawn - New Release Review

I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, Bare Knuckles & Brawn from Blue Moon Marquee and it's a mix of blues, jazz and western swing of course among many other flavors. Opening with Latin influenced Big Black Mamba and A.W. Cardinal on lead vocal  and guitar, with cool support from Jasmine Colette on bass, Darcy Phillips on piano/organ, Gerry Cook on sax and Jimmy Badger on drums. Swing number, Smoke Rings For My Rider has a great rag time feel excellent rhythm guitar and strong sax work by Cook. Hard Times Hit Parade is a sultry blues number featuring Colette on lead vocal and clean jazzy guitar work surrounded by smoky organ and echoes of trumpet work by Jack Garton. Very nice. Jazzy, The Red Devil Himself is one of my favorite tracks on the release with fluid guitar runs and some of my favorite vocals by Cardinal. Very cool. With a strong dose of New Orleans and a snappy beat by Badger on drums, 52nd Street Strut has strong horn work by Garten and Cook, and nice vocals by Colette. Another of my favorites is jazzy number, Wayward with it solid pace, Cardinals vocals and clean round bluesy guitar work. Wrapping the release is Lost & Wild, a slower ballad featuring Cardinal on lead vocal and guitar. Shimmering tones and a subdued backing by badger, Colette and Phillips makes for a solid closer. 

View Bman Blueswriter's profile on LinkedIn

  If you support live Blues acts, up and coming Blues talents and want to learn more about Blues news and Fathers of the Blues, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! ”LIKE”

 For added exposure - Blues World Wide Group "LIKE" 


 “Like” Bman’s Facebook page and get support for your favorite band or venue - click HERE

Monday, July 18, 2016

Blue Moon Marquee - Gypsy Blues - New Release Review

I just had the opportunity to review Gypsy Blues, by Blue Moon Marquee and I really like it. This band takes a fairly fresh look at fusing old style jazz, rock, blues and ragtime coming up with it's own formula. Opening with Trickster Coyote, a blue rocker, this stripped down band of two features A.W. Cardinal on lead guitar with gypsy style lead riffs over a blues beat with an almost Fogerty sound backed by Jasmine Colette on upright bass. Very nice. On rag style track, Hoodoo Lady, a really cool swing and quick little riffs and believe it or not Black Francis sound on vocals. Really nice. Saddle Sore is a simple rocker typical of the 50's. It has it's own sound, not only because of Cardinal's vocals but with with Robert Gordon attack, cool jazz backing and fluid jazz guitar soloing this track is super. Runaway Lane has a theatrical sound with a touch of a French cafe. With it's solid bass line and driving guitar work, this band is rockin'. Punk meets rag time on Pour Me One, which has some really flashy hot guitar riffs. Cardinals vocals are dark and raspy juxtaposed to a bright airy track. Very cool. Double Barrel Blues with backing vocals by Colette and straight forward attack almost puts me in mind of John Doe with jazzy guitar work. Very inventive. One of my favorite tracks on the release, Ain't No Stranger, has a more definitive blues basis and lead vocals by Colette and cool trem bends by Cardinal. With vocals almost approaching Tom Waits, Cardinal opens Spy Hill. An unusual rhythm sets this track apart and I really like. Jim Morrison like phrasing gives the track a bluesy flavor, enforced by early spiritual/blues backing vocals. Boogie track, Tossin' N' Turnin' has that Green Onions feel. I really like the groove on this track. Cardinal keeps his guitar playing simple with tight riffs and rhythm. Shading Tree is a cool bluesy rock ballad with hints of Eric Burdon/Nina Simone but with a lot of grit balanced by light jazz riffs. Very nice work. Driftin' has a real gypsy jazz feel with simple guitar and bass rhythms. Bright and springy with vocal harmonies, nicely done. Wrapping the release is title track, Gypsy Blues, with it's New Orleans flavor. This is a really well done release and one I'm looking forward to getting into my car for a closer listen.

View Bman Blueswriter's profile on LinkedIn

  If you support live Blues acts, up and coming Blues talents and want to learn more about Blues news and Fathers of the Blues, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! ”LIKE”

 For added exposure - Blues World Wide Group "LIKE" 


Monday, July 28, 2014

Blue Moon Marquee - Lonesome Ghosts - New Release review

I just received the newest release, Lonesome Ghosts, from Blue Moon Marquee, and it has a certain sense of honesty and sincerity. Opening with What I Wouldn't Do, a simple rag style tune featuring A.W. Cardinal on vocal and guitar, Mal Temple on drums and featuring Jasmine Colette on bass and Simon Kendall on piano. Pipeliner Blues is a cool Hot Club style track featuring Cardinal on lead vocal and guitar and nice fiddle work from Cameron Wilson. On Trouble's Callin', Nathan Shubert on piano and Cardinal on vocal and guitar do a jazzy version of delta blues. Nice touch. Scotch Whiskey is another blues track with a light airy touch. Cardinal leading the way on voice breaks with a nice guitar solo on this track and Temple keeps the drums light with brushes. Kendell adds nice key work behind the track and Colette drives the train on bass. Bishop Street, possibly my favorite track on the release has a real simple ballad style and nice vocal duet between Cardinal and Colette. Gypsy's Life has a New Orleans blues feel but with simple accompaniment of guitar by Cardinal, bass and drums from Colette and Wilson on violin. In The Henhouse has a early city blues feel with rhythm guitar actually driving the track. With "Dylan like" vocals, Cardinal maintains control of this simple tune, joined by Colette on drums and bass and Kendall on keys. On Sugar Dime, Cardinal breaks on with a simple, articulate guitar solo but the track is mostly a simple bar bluesy track not unlike Tom Waits might deliver. Lonesome Ghosts has the finger picking associated with Rev Gardy Davis but blends in chords giving it a more musical feel. Stripped back to just Cardinal and Colette this has real pretty instrumentation accompanying Cardinal on vocal. Interesting take on the blues with a twist.

  If you support live Blues acts, up and coming Blues talents and want to learn more about Blues news and Fathers of the Blues, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! ”LIKE”