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I started a quest to find terrific blues music and incredible musicianship when I was just a little kid. I also have a tremendous appreciation of fine musical instruments and equipment. One of my greatest joys all of my life was sharing my finds with my friends. I'm now publishing my journey. I hope that you come along!

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Showing posts with label British Columbia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label British Columbia. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Blue Moon Marquee - New Orleans Sessions - New Release Review

 I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, New Orleans Sessions, by Blue Moon Marquee and it's New Orleans blues, simplistic and raw. Opening with Memphis Minnie's Black Cat Swing, BMM hits the ground running with Danny Abrams on bari sax and BC Coogan setting the tempo for lead vocal work by Jasmine Colette who also plays bass. AW Cardinal on rhythm guitar and Nicholas Solnick on drums rounds out the troop for this enjoyable track. Charlie Patton's lively Shake It and Break It features Cardinal on lead vocal and guitar. A true party rocker with honking sax work by Abrams and a cool upright solo by Colette, this track jams. Slow blues, What I Wouldn't Do, features Cardinal on electric guitar and belting out the blues. With rolling piano work by Coogan and meaty sax work by Abrams, this track wails. A rowdy take on St James Infirmary hosts Cardinal on lead vocal and guitar and highlights the firm piano work of  Coogan and Abrams deep sax work making it one of the most memorable tracks on the release. Wrapping the release is Lonnie Johnson's Got The Blues So Bad, with Cardinal on lead vocal and featuring Jon Atkinson. With strong traditional styling, this is a great closer for a solid release. 

View Bman Blueswriter's profile on LinkedIn

  If you support live Blues acts, up and coming Blues talents and want to learn more about Blues news and Fathers of the Blues, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! ”LIKE”

 For added exposure - Blues World Wide Group "LIKE" 


“Like” Bman’s Facebook page and get support for your favorite band or venue - click HERE For your convenience, you can click the title of this post above to be taken to a site where this cd can be purchased - Happy Listening

Monday, August 12, 2024

Ndidi O - Simple Songs For Complicated Times - New Release Review

 I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, Simple Songs For Complicated Times, by Ndidi O and it's quite entertaining. Opening with Get Gone, with it's strong melody, Ndidi O shows how clear and strong her voice is, backed by Dawn Pemberton, Khari McClelland, and Keri Latimer on backing vocals. I really like Gary Craig's drum flair and with Sam Howard on bass, rhythmic key work by Chris Gestrin and dynamic slide work by Steve Dawson, this is a potent opener. Dawson plays acoustic guitar as well as pedal steel adding quite a bit of texture to Light On with it's poppy feel and vocal styling. Stripping it back to pure folk vocal on In May, Ndidi blends vocals nicely over the wailing pedal steel of Dawson. With just light touches of percussion and bass and finger picked National steel body. This is a strong entry to the release. Entering into Al Green territory, R&B infused, Too Late, is one of my favorites on the release with a moving rhythm and terrific vocal work by Nididi, Pemberton, McClelland and Latimer and a slick guitar solo by Dawson. Wrapping the release is Worth with it's rock overtone yet slightly funky. Dawson strums full chords and tight snare work lies tight under the active vocal work of Ndidi. This is a cool release leaning heavily to pop style vocals but with plenty of grit for your tastebuds. 

View Bman Blueswriter's profile on LinkedIn

  If you support live Blues acts, up and coming Blues talents and want to learn more about Blues news and Fathers of the Blues, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! ”LIKE”

 For added exposure - Blues World Wide Group "LIKE" 


 “Like” Bman’s Facebook page and get support for your favorite band or venue - click HERE For your convenience, you can click the title of this post above to be taken to a site where this cd can be purchased - Happy Listening

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Mark Crissinger - Believe In Love - New release review

I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, Believe In Love, by Mark Crissinger and it's full of surprises. Opening with Believe In Love, with it's romping bottom, courtesy of Jay Stevens on bass and Bill Hicks on drums, Mark Crissinger has the front on lead vocal and guitar, backed by Darcy Phillips on keys and Pierre Komen on sax. Boogie track, I Hear You're Talking, really gives Phillips the floor to work his magic and Crissinger country style vocal and guitar riffs solidify the sound. Another track with a two step feel is La Hoochie Coo with twangy guitar riffs and smooth harmonica by Marty Howe. Heartache and Trouble has a strong melody and with soothing vocals and melodic harmonica line, a definite radio track. My favorite track on the release is Hard No, with it's cool rhythm and catchy tune. Solid guitar work, drum foot work and warm backing gives it that extra punch.  Wrapping the release is country rocker, Hornby with it's springy pace and tight rhythms. Crissinger's vocal lead is cool and his guitar riffs hot, Komen lays nicely on the sax, Howe on harmonica work and another nice piano solo by Phillips gives it the right juice.  

View Bman Blueswriter's profile on LinkedIn

  If you support live Blues acts, up and coming Blues talents and want to learn more about Blues news and Fathers of the Blues, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! ”LIKE”

 For added exposure - Blues World Wide Group "LIKE" 


“Like” Bman’s Facebook page and get support for your favorite band or venue - click HERE

Monday, July 18, 2016

Blue Moon Marquee - Gypsy Blues - New Release Review

I just had the opportunity to review Gypsy Blues, by Blue Moon Marquee and I really like it. This band takes a fairly fresh look at fusing old style jazz, rock, blues and ragtime coming up with it's own formula. Opening with Trickster Coyote, a blue rocker, this stripped down band of two features A.W. Cardinal on lead guitar with gypsy style lead riffs over a blues beat with an almost Fogerty sound backed by Jasmine Colette on upright bass. Very nice. On rag style track, Hoodoo Lady, a really cool swing and quick little riffs and believe it or not Black Francis sound on vocals. Really nice. Saddle Sore is a simple rocker typical of the 50's. It has it's own sound, not only because of Cardinal's vocals but with with Robert Gordon attack, cool jazz backing and fluid jazz guitar soloing this track is super. Runaway Lane has a theatrical sound with a touch of a French cafe. With it's solid bass line and driving guitar work, this band is rockin'. Punk meets rag time on Pour Me One, which has some really flashy hot guitar riffs. Cardinals vocals are dark and raspy juxtaposed to a bright airy track. Very cool. Double Barrel Blues with backing vocals by Colette and straight forward attack almost puts me in mind of John Doe with jazzy guitar work. Very inventive. One of my favorite tracks on the release, Ain't No Stranger, has a more definitive blues basis and lead vocals by Colette and cool trem bends by Cardinal. With vocals almost approaching Tom Waits, Cardinal opens Spy Hill. An unusual rhythm sets this track apart and I really like. Jim Morrison like phrasing gives the track a bluesy flavor, enforced by early spiritual/blues backing vocals. Boogie track, Tossin' N' Turnin' has that Green Onions feel. I really like the groove on this track. Cardinal keeps his guitar playing simple with tight riffs and rhythm. Shading Tree is a cool bluesy rock ballad with hints of Eric Burdon/Nina Simone but with a lot of grit balanced by light jazz riffs. Very nice work. Driftin' has a real gypsy jazz feel with simple guitar and bass rhythms. Bright and springy with vocal harmonies, nicely done. Wrapping the release is title track, Gypsy Blues, with it's New Orleans flavor. This is a really well done release and one I'm looking forward to getting into my car for a closer listen.

View Bman Blueswriter's profile on LinkedIn

  If you support live Blues acts, up and coming Blues talents and want to learn more about Blues news and Fathers of the Blues, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! ”LIKE”

 For added exposure - Blues World Wide Group "LIKE" 


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Paul Black Trio

Paul Black is a very accomplished singer/songwriter 'professional' whom my company has been representing internationally for the last couple of years. I found Paul to be highly committed to his music and professionally followed through on all his obligations and/or requirements set forth by my company and/or my industry partners. It is rare these days, finding an act that has his kind of dedication, determination and reliability.  

If you support live Blues acts, up and coming Blues talents and want to learn more about Blues news and Fathers of the Blues, ”LIKE” ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorite band!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry - Roy Bim Forbes

Roy Forbes (born February 12, 1953 in Dawson Creek, British Columbia) is a Canadian folk music singer-songwriter, whose music bears heavy influences from classic American genres of acoustic blues and traditional country. Formerly known as Bim, his childhood nickname, he began his musical career in Vancouver in 1971. Initially, he appeared as the opening act for such groups as Supertramp and Santana, but soon came to headline and sell out his own shows. Forbes has appeared as a headliner in most of Canada's major folk music festivals. In 1984, he toured in the US with fellow Canadian Ferron, with whom he performed a duet on the song "Proud Crowd/Pride Cried" for her album, Shadows on a Dime. In 1987, he began performing and recording as Roy Forbes. Forbes is known for his high soulful voice and percussive guitar playing. He is also a member of the supergroup UHF, together with Shari Ulrich and Bill Henderson. Songs written by Forbes have been recorded by Sylvia Tyson, Garnet Rogers, Valdy, and Susan Jacks. If you support live Blues acts, up and coming Blues talents and want to learn more about Blues news and Fathers of the Blues, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! ”LIKE”

Friday, October 19, 2012

The SOME X 6 Band - The Hoodoo Shake - New Release Review

I've had the opportunity to listen to the newest effort, The Hoodoo Shake by The SOME X 6 Band. This Vancouver based band is made up of Brad Curtis on vocal and bass, Bart Dwyer on guitar and Gordon Cole on guitar. The 14 track release opens with the title track, The Hoodoo Shake, which has a straight up blues rock feel and ethereal slide work behind the vocals. Hey Stranger, another blues rock track has a pretty good hook for potential airplay and some tasty guitar riffing for the guitar guys. Forty Years gets a bit more grimy with some heavy drums and chorded sliding under lead guitar work. Jazzy Hippie takes a little bit of a different turn. It has organ under the band and an unusual melody which is attractive. It reminds me of something that I've heard but I can't put my finger on it exactly. In any case, this is a cool track. Breathless takes the next step away from the blues and into a modern era music with heavier overtones. Heavy bass lines and and monotone vocals with a driving beat and swirling lead guitars would certainly appeal to the garage crowd. Number is another track that is in this same vein. It doesn't sound the same as Breathless but is definitely from the same train of thought. It is a stretch from blues but well done none the less. This is an interesting recording, difficult to classify as blues but that may well interest a number of my readers wanting something with a bit more bite to their music.

  “To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson If you support live Blues acts, up and coming Blues talents and want to learn more about Blues news and Fathers of the Blues, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! ”LIKE”

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tin Foil Hat - Scott Dunbar

Smashing out a beat with a rusty chain on a dirty old broiler pan and a suitcase kick drum, this one man show can upstage a full band, without a microphone. A busker on the street-corners and markets of Montréal, you’ll hear him blocks before you see him – whether acoustic guitar or accordion, the intensity and emotion of the voice and songs are as authentic as they come: earned and undeniably strong. Call it folk, blues, soul – it’s even sometimes catchy-as-pop — there’s something for everyone in this music – and it gets better the more times you hear it. There’s an idea behind this guy’s music, an old idea: a social purposefulness underlies Dunbar’s mission in music. Some stories need to be told, beauties need to be protected, social issues need discussing – exuberant joy and righteous anger must be released, and Dunbar is not afraid or ashamed to bring it to our attention. His performances are all about creating a bridge between people to have a good time while gathering around important issues. Since hitting the road hitchhiking three years ago holding a sign reading “A FOLKSINGER’S GOTTA SEE THE COUNTRY,” Dunbar has fast earned a fearsome reputation as a fan favorite at festivals and gigs all over. He himself recorded and produced two full length albums (2008′s An Awful Racket, 2009′s GET ANGRY ABOUT IT) of which he’s sold into the thousands of copies at gigs and on the street. It’s an ethical AND a family operation – the CD sleeves are handmade from recycled cloth by his mom. Youtube clips of his streetcorner performances, uploaded by passers-by (most notably a cover of Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean” and his own “Tinfoil Hat”) have topped over a million hits since they first appeared in spring ’09. This, his third album – TWO YEARS TO LIVE, an appropriately ambitious 24-track, double CD odyssey was recorded in one week with BC luminary, Corwin Fox. The songs range from the intimate and personal “Tuning Fork” and “My Feathers” to enraged and political (“Ain’t Mama,” “Bullet Fee”) to bitingly ironic (“I’m Dick Cheney”). From the whimsical sweet romance of a bicycle ride (“Bicycles”) to the somber contemplative depths of “Fine,” Dunbar covers a lot of ground, and deserves a spot in any true chronicle of modern music. This album was designed as Dunbar’s proper big introduction to the world, and it seems he knows a thing or two about making a grand entrance. Just go ahead and try to dismiss it; this songwriter-performer is still just getting started…
If you like what I’m doing, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! - ”LIKE”

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Train - Mud Dog

Steve "Mud Dog" Sainas has been a guitarist/singer/songwriter in Vancouver's cabarets and pubs for the past twenty years. During this time, he has developed a powerful blues guitar and singing style that is instantly recognized by his steadily growing audience. In 1997, Steve began to lay the ground-work for forming his powerful blues band Mud Dog. His vision was to pay tribute to blues masters such as Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf and John Lee Hooker with a fiery contemporary blues sound. The highlight of each concert, however, is when Steve testifies his own life experiences through his original songs, inspired by the sounds of the Mississippi Delta. Mud Dog released its debut CD "Devil's Ride" on March 7th, 2003 at the Terry Fox Theatre to a house full of excited fans. "Devil's Ride" features eleven originals songs written & produced by Sainas and two traditional arrangements. The CD has been featured on both Storman Norman's Sunday Blues on Rock 101 and CBC Radio and is receiving regular airplay coast to coast. In March 2008, Mud Dog released their second CD, “River of my Soul,” that features eleven new original acoustic songs written and produced by Sainas. These songs deeply reflect on finding the light in a world consumed by darkness. During the day, Steve is busy teaching Rock School and Recording Arts at Terry Fox Secondary School in Port Coquitlam, BC. He established these programs in 2000/2001 and has developed them into one of the most successful music programs in public education. If you like what I’m doing, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! - ”LIKE”

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blues Medley - Poppa Dawg & Friends

Poppa Dawg is one of those ‘one-man-army’ crusaders that Blues (and all indie music) depends on so dearly. The concept of devoting one’s life to music with the Joy Factor being the no. 1 goal is something that the ‘greed-driven’ just can’t grasp. There’s always hope for music and mankind when there are crusaders like Rick in abundance and in some places (outside of North America) people who devote their lives to making and promoting blues are revered and respected. Besides leading his own band and making his own Blues, Poppa Dawg is ‘The Man’ when it comes to Interior, British Columbia. He keeps everything going, connecting clubs with artists, helping touring bands get gigs in Kelowna or Nelson, encourages venues to at least try live music and runs a website/e-mail newsletter that keeps us all informed. So, even outside of a recording context he is invaluable and irreplaceable.

Dawg has an easy-on-the-ears, natural blues voice and his guitar work betrays decades of influences from Johnny Watson to Elvin Bishop. Tasty and tasteful. But, it’s his song writing that really surprises. Great lyrics and humorous poetry abound set to catchy riffs designed for the sacroiliac. Several tracks are very memorable and worthy of ‘borrowing’, so let’s hope Dawg gets these to some ‘stars’ for exposure and royalties.

Andy 'Blues Boy' Grigg

If you like what I’m doing, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! - ”LIKE”

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dimples - Jason Buie

Vancouver based guitarist, singer and songwriter Jason Buie has been performing live since the age of sixteen. He has honed his skills over the last fourteen years playing throughout Canada, the U.S.A. and Japan. Along the way he has played and performed with such artists as blues legend Buddy Guy, Taj Mahal, former Rolling Stone Mick Taylor, The Jeff Healey Band, John Mayall, The Powder Blues Band, Big Dave Mclean, Jimmy D. Lane, Wild T, Johnny Ferriera and Jerry Doucette. With the Release of his critically acclaimed CD “Urban Blues” his profile continues to grow. Jason's second C.D" "Live at The Blue Gator" was released in 2009. Jason did Spring and Fall European tour's in 2009 with great success.

Jason was born and raised in Victoria, BC. As an adolescent he explored the roots of American Blues along with other forms of music that spawned from it. Growing up in an artistic home, Jason had the freedom to explore his passion and talent. He would empty his pockets regularly to purchase blues recordings. He idolized such pioneers as Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, The Three Kings: Freddie, Albert, and B.B., Johnny “Guitar” Watson, Buddy Guy, Albert Collins, Jimi Hendrix and others. His love for the blues really blossomed when he witnessed Albert Collins in concert at fifteen years old. “I worked at the local grocery store and I borrowed one the older guy’s id. to get into the show. Albert was amazing; there will never be anyone like him.” From that point on Buie was hooked. Jason has taken his influences and sculpted them into a style of his own. His music remains a well-seasoned gumbo of blues, funk, rock and soul with influences that originate in the Southern States and inner cities of America. Jason’s from the heart vocals and fiery guitar work combined with a charismatic stage presence have caused listeners and critics to take notice. His passion and honesty always comes thru in his live shows.
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Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Babe - Cousin Harley

Cousin Harley is the rocking hillbilly persona of Paul Pigat, an accomplished guitarist, vocalist, and songwriter. Hailing from Vancouver, Canada, Cousin Harley has a hard-earned reputation for delivering everything from hot rod rockabilly to foot stomping vintage country and western swing. ....

From classic honky tonk and cow punk tinged rippers, to a helping of western swing and classic jump blues, Cousin Harley plays in the old tradition—slugging it out hot and heavy in the trenches of the live music
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Saturday, January 28, 2012

How Blue Can You Get - Summer & the Sinners

From Texas to New Orleans, to Chicago, with a stop in Memphis, Summer and the Sinners take you on a musical tour of Blues, R&B, and Funk. Sliding easily between, “Stax” and “Straight Texas Boogie.” With a great choice of songs, Line-up of musicians, and Summers Voice…you know you’ve got something special!
The new album "Boogie With The Devil" is certain to raise the stature of both Summer and her Sinners.
Hot on the heels of "Stranger's Blues", Summer and the Sinner's have produced another great one!

Big-voiced Summer and her band, the Sinners, are a definite "cool breeze" from the Great White North! Based in British Columbia, Summer and the Sinners pound out a brand of blues that took us back to our beginnings of listening to the blues, back in the early Seventies. Summer can really get one's attention with that sly, sexy, sultry growl in her delivery. Backed by some of the west coast's finest... these guys will give you that "old-school" feel for the days of Mike Bloomfield or Janis Joplin and Big Brother. It was a sweltering 104 in the shade the day that Summer was born north of the Bay area California. Her name is the result of that particular heat wave. By the time she settled in Victoria, she possessed a firm grasp of turning out a song with her own trademark sound. Audiences immediately took to Summer’s hard hitting blues - the kind that betray her somewhat shy exterior. It is this combination of guts and vulnerability that is so engaging. Summer is an exciting new voice on the scene. And she is finding her way!
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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Groove - Steve Kozak

Steve Kozak was born in Vancouver BC Canada in 1956 and since the mid eighties has been a mainstay on the Vancouver scene as a guitarist, band leader, singer, songwriter, and tireless cheerleader and promoter of Blues and Roots music. Backed by some of Vancouver’s top musicians, Steve has built a reputation as one of the premier Blues acts in western Canada.

Steve began playing guitar and singing at age sixteen and took to the Blues like a duck to water. His passion for the Blues flourished after meeting and hanging out for a few memorable nights with the legendary Muddy Waters in May of 1977. Muddy encouraged Steve and set him straight on a few things. After that Steve was ‘on a mission’-- his musical future as a Bluesman was sealed.

Throughout his career Steve has shared the stage, and played with many Blues greats including; Pee Wee Crayton, Big Joe Duskin, Sonny Rhodes, Eddie ‘The Chief’ Clearwater, ‘Ice Pick’ James Harman, Duke Robillard, Rod Piazza, Rick Estrin, Mark Hummel, Lee Oskar, Nick Curran, Big Joe Louis, ‘The Shuffle King’ Tom Holland, Kenny Blues Boss Wayne, The Twisters, and Rockabilly guitar legend Evan Johns.
Write on our Facebook Wall or post your Photos of great blues events! Here

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Good Ol' Days - Brandon Isaak

This young red haired guitar player has monster tone and technique. He moved from his home town of Whitehorse, Yukon to Vancouver, BC in 1999, where he joined the Twisters. He has shared the stage with many great blues artists, including Taj Mahal, Lil' Ed and the blues imperials, Robin Ford, Jeff Healy, Canned Heat, Zora Young, Big Dave Mclean, Rusty Zinn just to name a few. Most recently, Brandon returned from a 2 month European tour, where he played along side Joe Louis Walker, Willie Hayes and Ken Faltonson, on numerous festivals and TV shows. Brandon Played guitar on the 2006 Juno award winning album "let it loose" with Kenny "Blues Boss"Wayne, and appears on 11 albums with many different artists. When he plays, he travels to a different time and space and you can hear it as well as see it.
Write on our Facebook Wall or post your Photos of great blues events! Here

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Roper Show - Jesse Roper- New Release review

I just received a copy of the new release by Jesse Roper aka The Roper Show. This is a very entertaining release with strong beat and really tasty guitar. Jesse is a good singer for this genre of music and I will be surprised if he doesn't make a lot of money. The music varies from solid blues to rock infused blues tunes and the worst thing that I could say about it (really) is that one song reminded me of John Mayer. Now hopefully that doesn't doesn't discourage anyone. Just trying to say, this is a very well written and produced release with great tunes and musical inspiration. It doesn't break any rules but has a broad selection of music to choose from without sounding incohesive.

Overall, I'd recommend this recording for anyone liking blues oriented music with a bent toward airplay. Great guitar riffs but still vocal in orientation.

Great job!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Still Blue - Bill Johnson New release review - Tour Info

I just got this one today and I really like it. I mean I really like it! This is a well composed rockin blues party. You gotta imagine I listen to a lot of music and a lot of it just plays in the background. This one made me stop and listen. It isn't the next SRV but it is damn great fun!

British Columbia Blues Artist Bill Johnson Nominated for Western Canadian Blues Recording of the Year

Momentum continues to build for Victoria, BC blues artist Bill Johnson's recent recording Still Blue. Described as his breakout CD, Still Blue has been getting great reviews from critics and fans as well as extensive radio airplay across Canada. On June 30, 2011 BreakOut West announced The 2011 Western Canadian Music Awards Nominees including Still Blue for Blues Recording of the Year. A full list of nominees can be found at
The Blues Underground Network selected Still Blue as one of the top picks for July 2011, including a five-star review by John Vermilyea.

"I am forty six years old, I believe all you need is love, and I'm still blue."
- Bill Johnson
Upcoming Performances:
August 13
The Saltair City Limits Blues Bash w/ The Twisters
The Saltair Pub
10519 Knight Road
Chemainus, BC
$45.00 includes BBQ dinner

August 26
Nanaimo Blues Festival
Maffeo-Sutton Park in downtown Nanaimo, BC

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sweet Home Chicago - Bill Johnson Band

Momentum continues to build for Victoria, BC blues artist Bill Johnson's recent recording Still Blue. Described as his breakout CD, Still Blue has been getting great reviews from critics and fans as well as extensive radio airplay across Canada. On June 30, 2011 BreakOut West announced The 2011 Western Canadian Music Awards Nominees including Still Blue for Blues Recording of the Year. A full list of nominees can be found at

"I am forty six years old, I believe all you need is love, and I'm still blue."
- Bill Johnson

Upcoming Performances:

August 13
The Saltair City Limits Blues Bash w/ The Twisters
The Saltair Pub
10519 Knight Road
Chemainus, BC
$45.00 includes BBQ dinner

August 26
Nanaimo Blues Festival
Maffeo-Sutton Park in downtown Nanaimo, BC