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I started a quest to find terrific blues music and incredible musicianship when I was just a little kid. I also have a tremendous appreciation of fine musical instruments and equipment. One of my greatest joys all of my life was sharing my finds with my friends. I'm now publishing my journey. I hope that you come along!
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Showing posts with label Don't Bring Me Daylight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Don't Bring Me Daylight. Show all posts
I just received the newest release, Don't Bring Me Daylight, from Reggie Wayne Morris and it's flavorful. Opening with Blues rocker, Son Of A Blues Fan, featuring Reggie Wayne Morris on lead vocal, and guitar, Ezell Jones on drums, Chris Sellman on bass and Mark Stevens on organ. Laid back shuffle track, Used To Have A Woman, shows a different lineup with Chuck Fuerte on drums, Pete Kanaras on bass and Stevens on piano. Morris opens Used To Sign My Check with a slick little guitar intro with a BB King style. Nice vocal phrasing and respondent guitar riffs makes this one of my favorite tracks on the release. Another Can Of Worms has a cool uptempo feel and Morris lays out a nice guitar solo backed by Stevens on piano. Very nice! Title track, Don't Bring Me Daylight, has a cool walking bass line from Kanaras and Stevens lays down a real nice piano lead highlighted by Morris' lead vocals and stinging guitar riffs. Excelent blues track, Ball and Chain, has really biting guitar riffs and warm organ backing making this one of the absolute standout tracks on the release. Easy chugging Too Many Cooks has a cool R&B feel with Kanaras driving the train on bass with on organ and piano. Morris' vocals are spot on and his guitar work on this track is quite good. Soulful, She's Gone, is almost like an Isley's track with subdued but nicely executed guitar lead. Morris does some of his best vocal work on this track making it one of my favorites. Ballad, Meet Me, has a strong blues basis with call and response by Morris on vocal and guitar. Smooth and silky, with touching guitar work, this track is a keeper. OOOOO Weeee has a little bit of pop funk pushed by Chuck Fuerte on drums and Stevens on piano. Morris leads on vocal with Vinny Hunter on bass. Wrapping the release is God Loves You with an island feel. A simple pop melody with nicely woven instrumental components by Stevens, Hunter, Fuerte and Morris makes this a nice closer.
If you support live Blues acts, up and coming Blues talents and want to learn more about Blues news and Fathers of the Blues, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band!- ”LIKE”